Author Topic: Phone call to mom  (Read 3947 times)


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Phone call to mom
« on: May 28, 2007, 05:06:24 PM »
Well my mom and I need to have a conversation and I have been putting it off.  I told her I wanted my dad to be there to protect me.  She can not understand why I think I need protection.  When I talked to my dad he said we were acting like children and need to get over this-so I called her and we went round and round.  She said that things are not so until I speak it into existence-I told her to do that would make me God.  She blamed me for her problem with the bookkeeper because I told her so

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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2007, 05:12:57 PM »
I said I thought she had a problem with her and she does but it was not until I spoke it!  She also has a rationale for everything and tells me it is my perspective that is wrong.  I told her that I would not be the scapegoat and that she needed to take her part of the responsibility in our dysfunction-she wants me to get help!  I guess I should not be suprised by her take on things and I on longer care if she owns her part because I know she will not!

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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2007, 05:17:31 PM »

Are you SURE your mother isn't MY mother?



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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2007, 05:41:03 PM »
yes so many of our moms are the same and I think the hardest part is not being able to talk sense into them-I cried during the conversation but it has not ruined my day.  I am ok with her outside of work because I set boundaries long ago.  She is a crazy maker plain and simple.  I called my dad and said to him WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO MOM - and he said recognition.  When I told my mom that it shut her up for a minute-then said just because my dad and I thought the same

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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2007, 05:44:31 PM »
thing Does not make it true.

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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2007, 06:18:06 PM »
Oh and the part about enabling?  My poor dad was emasculated long ago and simply has given up on trying to be her equal-she wins.

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Re: Phone call to mom ANYONE?
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2007, 09:11:44 PM »
ami or anyone

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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2007, 09:37:02 PM »
What are you asking, Kelly                                               Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

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   Carl Jung


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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2007, 09:42:06 PM »
Oh I just need input-lately I feel like I have been posting and I get a couple responses but what I need is some dialogue.  I have talked about a new job and a dream and now this and no one seems to be there and I just need some support!  Help!

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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2007, 09:47:14 PM »
I was thinking of how joyful a plus-size store job could be, especially if you approach it as a way to help women really love and feel good about themselves including their bodies just as they are.

I was also thinking it might be an amazing experience. And glad for you and hoping you hear good news soon.

I think you're going to heal in many ways when you step out of the battle for your mother's recognition.

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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2007, 09:51:50 PM »
Are you wanting to change your N mother? It won't happen.
The best way for you to survive is to have no contact with her.
She will drain your soul and heave the rest of you to the dogs.

(I want contact with my daughter and I am getting some, but I am not happy about this particular topic when a child is "desping his/her mother--it hits so close to home for me that I begin to think I am an N and I know I'm not, but have been reading about N-ism again re me!!!! and now I don't care if she contacts me!!!!)

Are you working iin the business or away from it now?
Are you living separately and far enopugh away from her?
You will just have to "fiind that you are busy" a lot and cannot talk.

No contact!

and then the healing begins!


EDIT!! oh yes I remember the new job now!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2007, 09:53:43 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2007, 09:55:59 PM »
Her approval-which  I will never get.  I am weird about the new job-somehow I am feeling obligated because we just signed to be a franchise store-and she says she wants to back off but I cannot trust her-so the saga continues..

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2007, 10:02:09 PM »

You will never have her approval-- all you require is to approve of yourself, then treat her as a stranger, polite but indifferent.


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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2007, 10:42:14 PM »

There are a number of posts from women who hate their N mothers and want to cut loose.

I am a mother from whom my daughter cut loose 23 years ago when she met an N and married him while too young.

I am looking for answers as to how we can heel the gap of his keeping her in isolation etc and away from me.

She has admitted that she felt terrible, but felt she must support her husband, as she chose to marry him. She feels shame. She telephoned to ask for forgiveness but there is still a wall between us.

I think it might be shame--but I moved 2000 miles away from her

If she wants nothing to do with me, I am sensitive enough that all these other "daughters" who want to end it with their mothers is my life except for the N-ism for me, but the stories are difficult to read.

I feel when I say dump the N=mother, that I am saying my daughter was right and it was all wrong because of her N, but I wonder if she took on N qualities after 10 years with him--

I hope you understand. I've said all this before!


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Re: Phone call to mom
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2007, 02:44:38 PM »
I am sensitive enough that all these other "daughters" who want to end it with their mothers is my life except for the N-ism for me, but the stories are difficult to read.

I understand, Izzy. I have been partially estranged with my D, off and on, in the last year, and things are still not normal and connected yet. It has been agonizing.

So I know how it feels to be the parent, having the child withdraw.

When we share our stories as children of Ns, I identify. When we share stories of divorcing N parents, even though I understand that in all these cases, it's so necessary and right...I occasionally think, is my D divorcing me?

Just as a mother who's getting chewed up a bit. My D's distancing is nowhere near yours, so I can imagine it's even more of a challenge for you.

It's good that you said so. And I'm glad everyone's doing what they need to do to take care of themselves, including distancing from mothers when they must. And boy do I believe they must. There are defective mother animals described here...

Sometimes the loathing-of-Nmothers stories, touch on my sore places. And...there's a part of me that wrestles with my D's own Ntendencies. A tough one.

It's like, the inner child is always innocent, most of us here have been harmed by Nparents. But then, children of Ns or grandchildren of Ns can grow up with a lot of N entitlement and ruthlessness themselves. And they can mete it out with the best (worst) of 'em.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."