Karin, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! HURRAY!! Good for you! I am SO happy for you and your settlement. Your courage to stay the course is inspirational. I hope that you are celebrating!!!!
pandora, Like you my H went out of town for an extended trip. During his absence, I got my plan in order. As his return got closer and closer, my anxiety rose. By the time the day arrived, I was absoletely freaked. Sweating, racing heart, upset stomach. I did not know how he would react. In the event he was angry, I had extra clothes, shoes, keys and a credit card packed my car. I left the doors of the car unlocked. I had the local police number programmed into my cell phone.
In my case, upon his return, he was SAD and SORRY and CHARMING. He did not resort to anger on the first evening. Instead he tried to get me to change my mind.
pandora, You know your husband best. Trust your instinct. Be prepared. Think through options. It doesn't hurt to be more prepared.
Good luck.