Author Topic: Introduction and question: What behaviors did we learn from Ns?  (Read 6956 times)


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Re: Introduction and question: What behaviors did we learn from Ns?
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2007, 08:39:50 AM »

I havent seen Dogville.  I'll have to put it on my list.

I always loved hearing about you in your house, Axa, puttering around with paints and such and sounding so peaceful and whole.  It's okay to be alone--to want to be alone--to replenish and recreate.

I think that part of taking care of ourselves is coming to grips with our personality types.  The world really values extrovert-ish, life of the party types.  But we stay-at-homers are a valuable part of society too.  We need to not buy into the mindset that we are doing something negative.

Can you let yourself be safe in your home for a bit, Axa?  I can feel a need for that looming on the horizon.  I don't enjoy spending 8 hours a day at work being "on".  I would much rather be tucked into a corner of some research library, doing something "boring"!

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Introduction and question: What behaviors did we learn from Ns?
« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2007, 12:17:25 PM »
Hello fellow travelers.

I am quite behind on my reading.  Been busy arguing and making up with H who is not N but has some dysfunctional behaviors like me).  Also been dealing with some health issues that I might start a thread on - Ami suggested a thread on medical fears earlier and I like her idea a lot.

Anyway, thanks to you all for writing more about this topic.  Since I am so behind, I will just respond with a few quick thoughts.:

Stormchild, thanks for your insight on my moms's reaction to my high school virginity.  The competition in her head idea is spot on - I had never though of it that way before.

Axa- no toothbrushes for you!?! that's horribly neglectful (((Axa)))  My mom had plenty of time to sunbathe herself but she never brushed my hair or trimmed my nails. I was pretty ratty looking.  Baths are lovely but I never take the time. sounds good though. 

Axa and CB123, I agree - alone time is safe, not having to be on all the time.  I find being around other people very draining.  I am most relaxed (but not necessarily happiest) when I am alone.  I wonder if there is a relationship between ACONs and introversion?

CB123 and Hops - I love those movies, too.  CB, I am also a foodie and find food and food preparation very self-healing, independently creative, and sensual - puts me in touch with the outside word somehow.   I love cooking with my little girl.

Teartracks, Re-mothering is huge for me, but something I forget to do.  I find myself drawn to child-like things sometimes, like fairs, zoos, playgrounds.  I find myself cuddling with my daughter's stuffed animals - when I was a kid, I think my stuffed animals were the only things that loved me.  they were the only things that I could love back.

Tayana, I think trust is at the very core of many of my fears and I find it very hard, too.  If my Nmom lost trust in her N supply, she always abandoned them, and I think I learned some of that from her.  I did not learn who I can trust and not trust, and I did not learn that some people can be generally trusted even if they don't appear 100% trustworthy at them moment (like trusting a non-N loved-one to treat you well in the long run, even if you are fighting with them at the moment).

Bella_French, Thanks for adding to the list, especially for pointing out the silver lining to the craziness we learned.  Even though my "education" in feelings came from a terrible place, being compassionate and empathic can really have its benefits sometimes and can be a really powerful tool for understanding people.



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Re: Introduction and question: What behaviors did we learn from Ns?
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2007, 12:38:04 PM »
Ooops!  Forgot to mention, AMI, that I like your analogy about digging out our real selves and sorting out all the Ncraziness from what is our "essential self".  There have been many times when I have felt hollowed out, like an empty shell, but that never takes me to good places.  Seeing my true self as buried, just waiting for discovery seems more positive and gives me hope.



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Re: Introduction and question: What behaviors did we learn from Ns?
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2007, 12:55:51 PM »
There was a time in my life when I hated being alone.  It was just too scary for me.  Part of that may have been because I come from a large family where there was always tension and negative excitement.  The emptyness of aloneness was too much to bear.  I am quite content in many ways when alone but know that I have a pattern of isolation which many people here have spoken about.  Its all about balance I guess and I am working on finding that. 

Still pottering around the cottage, lots of planting and gardening, have bad soil though so working on improving that.  Drawing tonight, busy at work today and have a lot of prep for work tomorrow so that is keeping me focused. 

You know what guys, I'm doing ok today

hugs and love to all,


CB would love if you saw Dogville and let me know what you think x


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Re: Introduction and question: What behaviors did we learn from Ns?
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2007, 01:47:02 PM »

I love to be alone.  I'm around people all the time, and I find them very draining and tiring.  I like it when it's quiet, and when I can concentrate on me, think about things, be creative.  I would love to have a day at home alone, just to do some work or just make jewelry or knit or write or read a book. 

My Nmom never understood this, never understood that I needed time to myself, and so she would intrude, and still does, on my privacy.

I also loved your comment about stuffed animals and being drawn to childlike things.  I do that too.  When I was a kid, I had lots of "things" but I wasn't really allowed to play with them.  They had to be kept nice just in case they were worth something later on.  Now, I find myself trying out things, or buying myself action figures or things like that.  Or one day, I took my son to the park and played on all of the swings and slides and things.  It was so much fun.  I have a hard time just having fun.

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Re: Introduction and question: What behaviors did we learn from Ns?
« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2007, 12:31:17 PM »
Thanks for your comments, CB123, Tayana, and Axa.  I have a few action figures, too - females! Something empowering about that.  I also have really gotten a lot out of kids books, especially ones about emotions and loving relationships. 

Sorry I am not contributing much to others' posts. I feel depleted in mental energy lately - insomnia due to Nmom's upcoming visit.  I feel like I am preparing for a disaster. I give too much energy to it, but find it hard to stop.  Like an addiction to drama and fear. But I am still reading and hanging in there.  Just wanted to say thanks to you all.



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Re: Introduction and question: What behaviors did we learn from Ns?
« Reply #36 on: June 06, 2007, 12:40:12 PM »
Hi Green,
Can you ask yourself "What's the worst that could happen?" a la Victor Frankl?

Maybe you could rehearse a little.

Practice her saying inflammatory things that USED to hurt you...but prepare by meditating/visualizing...peaceful, mature Green, simply saying an internal la-la-la-la, and responding with non sequiturs.

Non sequiturs are great Nammo.

Good luck with it. She doesn't own your're free as a bird.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Introduction and question: What behaviors did we learn from Ns?
« Reply #37 on: June 06, 2007, 12:41:38 PM »
Dear Green, When is she coming?  Does she live near yo u  I can understand how you would feel drained. . I will keep you in my prayers.                           Love and Big Hugs   Ami                                       
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Introduction and question: What behaviors did we learn from Ns?
« Reply #38 on: June 06, 2007, 03:29:37 PM »
Thank you Hops and Ami,

Today I feel like I am in quicksand, trying not to struggle so much that I sink.  Trying not to be too hard on myself for returning to this familiar, miserable place.  My NMom will visit at teh end of this month, but we have just exchanged a couple of falsely rosy emails planning when we can get together when she's in town. She lives far enough away that she will fly. I have not seen her in about one year. I am relieved that she did not ask to stay with us, as my H and I decided that we will never stay under the same roof with her again. 

She is bringing her new boyfriend, her biggest source of N supply, so I think her visit is intended to impress him and convince him that she is a fabulous mom and grandmother.  Never mind that she never calls, not even on my birthday, and does not bother to establish a relationship with her own granddaughter.  That is for the best, as I don't really want them to interact much anyway. At least my mom will be on "good behavior", trying to play the role for her boyfriend. Her abuse will be more subtle - is that a silver lining?  :?

thanks for the ideas - non sequitur - looked it up in the dictionary: "a statement (as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said".  Yes, that makes sense - must remember that technique.  I want to see this as an opportunity to practice what I have learned over the past year, with our minimal phone and email contact, and from reading about Ns. 

I am just afraid that I will allow my buttons to get pushed and my rage will get the better of me, and that I will tell her off. Maybe that's "the worst that could happen".   if I did, the visit would be over and we would most likely go NC for a while - she would give me the silent treatment.  I have stood up to her a couple times in the past couple years (by email) and that is what happens.  Then again, that actually sounds pretty good on some level! :? 

Thanks for everything,