it's shocking. If they can let go that easily, why torment someone for so long? Why reduce your own adult child to a quivering heap of heartbroken rage before you yield?
It's kind of overwhelming to contemplate, but however they get there, sometimes they do get there, and thank heaven.
Exactly, Hopalong. My T said this type of behavior is all about control: The NM wants to keep control thru $. But, yes, AMEN, when they finally give.
the hook and line that the Ns keep us on is hope, the hope that they will change, and so whenever they do something that looks as though it's evidence of the change we hope for, we tend to drop our defenses because we want so badly for it to be true.
Exactly, Stormchild. This is why kids of Ns are so messed up.
Maybe us N offspring need to learn to just say "thank you" and act as if no strings are attached. No guilt: it's a gift. Period.
But, OC, nonetheless, am happy for you. The money gives you some relief. It's up to you whether YOU will allow your NM to guilt you into doing things against your will.
Savour the moment (and the KASH!!!!!).