Author Topic: This might be my last post--abandonment. I feel somewhat responsible, but--  (Read 9010 times)


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Hi Iz-I have been a member here since 04 but I have not stayed active the wyo time.  Sometimes I am feeling better so I dont feel the need to come and vent and am afraid that someone elses rant  may  trigger an emotion Idont need to feel at that time of my life.  Sometimes the pain is too much.  I  hope you and yours can heal and get together!  I know that sometimes I am mad at myself,  not my mom but I take it out  on  her.   Stay  in touch-  we do not want to lose you!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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There was a bad free-for-all downtown today. A woman was shot and the bullet is in her yet.

you serious people you.--the bullet is in her yet---where is her YET???

Okay you gals, lighter,Hops, Ami   --think!!

an old crush eh? good Luck Hops

and I see you arrived, OC. I'll stay in touch. My thread is "This might be...I suspect when I stepped back from my daughter I might have to take a breather. That might be all it is! She is very angry, as am I! --anger reserved for one another from the mess her N husband created with divide and conquer.

Love Izzy
« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 01:12:30 PM by isittoolate »


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There was a bad free-for-all downtown today. A woman was shot and the bullet is in her yet.

you serious people you.--the bullet is in her yet---where is her YET???

Okay you gals, lighter,[b] Hops, Ami   --think!![/b]

Ummmm...... <thinking! thinking!> 

Read in Spanish acccent...... "I do not thin that word means what you thin it means, lol." 

That line is from one of my favorite movies.  Anyone recognize it?


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I am yet thick as a brick.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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I am yet thick as a brick.


I'm so confused,lol!


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Oh this is fun

read this out loud!!

Do you know where a woman's 'yet' is?
No! why?
Because I heard there was a shooting downtown. A woman was shot and the bullet is in her yet!


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I hereby do solemnly swear that before posting #52 I'd figgered it out.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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OK Izz.

So far, on the board, I've seen you feel Anger. Lust.  Frustration and the kind of self satisfied amusement  a cat toying with drunk mouse might feel.  I STILL DON'T GET IT but I think you're getting the hand of feeling, lol.  That's a good thing. 


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Awww lighter

You still don't get this?
Do you know where a woman's 'yet' is?
No! why?
Because I heard there was a shooting downtown. A woman was shot and the bullet is in her yet

well let's do it this way---

Do you know where a woman's 'wrist' is?
Yes, between her hand and arm. Why?
Because I heard there was a shooting downtown. A woman was shot and the bullet is in her wrist!

(Did you ever be sorry you started something?)

LUST you say! Well well well!!!!!!--takes away a bit of the anger and adds to frustration LOL


(NOW Do you get it?)


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The old crush I may see this summer is completely unavailable (has a very nice doctor wife) but I can pine for him quite happily while babbling about poetry.

He was the handsomest man in Kentucky and we'd worked together as poets for several years after grad school.

Now he's got a horse farm and I think I'm actually more excited about helping with the horses than seeing him.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Awww lighter

You still don't get this?
Do you know where a woman's 'yet' is?
No! why?
Because I heard there was a shooting downtown. A woman was shot and the bullet is in her yet

well let's do it this way---

Do you know where a woman's 'wrist' is?
Yes, between her hand and arm. Why?
Because I heard there was a shooting downtown. A woman was shot and the bullet is in her wrist!

(Did you ever be sorry you started something?)

LUST you say! Well well well!!!!!!--takes away a bit of the anger and adds to frustration LOL


(NOW Do you get it?)

Even if you t y p e  v e r y    v  e  r  y       S L O W LY,

I still won't get it, lol.

And, Yes.

I often be glad I started something; ) 


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That is the Is I know!  Laughter will take away a world of hurt!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"