Author Topic: Splitting  (Read 2057 times)


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« on: June 09, 2007, 03:57:20 AM »
Hey All,

Been in hiding for a while as I have been feeling in a very bad space and just out of control.  This post is gonna sound all over the place (so what's new?) so I apologise for that.  I've been thinking a lot about relationships in my life and the way I have handled my most recent one and I have to work a few things out.  See..  my Nmom was either one thing or another..  Cold not speaking abandoning..  Sparkling and smiling (in the public eye)..  Drowning in self pity and therefore trying to manipulate me and make everything my fault..  As a little girl I was forever spinning trying to manage whatever came next.  As my father ignored the fact I was there I was alone with this...  My mum told me a lot that I was bad evil... a witch... had the devil inside me..  I believed her..I was sulky and difficult..  I cried all the time..  I isolated myself..  I was unable to make real friends..  I didn't know how to be..  Who was I?   A little wild child with tangled hair and very poor hygiene..  I cried nobody came  I had no sense of self..  I could not choose clothes unless I had seen them on someone else.. I am still not very good at knowing what I like or don't like..  i was clumsy clumsy clumsy and everything I said was wrong NM would mouth the words with me when I spoke in front of people.  She still does..

Sex was bad..yes she was a seductress..  manipulating men and enchanting them..

I guess I could go on for hours but the point that I am exploring is that I learned a lot of different personnas that would change without warning.  Just when I thought I was safe..  the world would spin and a different mother would be available.. who bore no resemblence to who she had been a minute before.  I would try to reach that other mother but I would be denied her..

I am the same..  I hate the fact but I have to say it out loud....  I am fragmented and don't know how to be a whole..  There is the work me..  Outgoing and competent on the outside..  I just got a new job.. another promotion..  I go to work clean and polished and come home and put on my dirty dressing gown in the house that I hate..  A house that is neglected...  There is the mother me..  I love my daughter with a passion..  She is the only person in the world who gets me..  She understands all my failings and loves me anyway..  She keeps me here and she keeps me safe...  There is the angry and contemtuous me..  Hating men wanting perfection despising any man who cares about me and pointing out every fault and failing he has..  That me is arrogant..  I feel repelled by a partner and the repulsion gets worse as I watch them go to pieces and look at me with confusion..  "But you loved me so much this morning"....  I can spin in aninstant and go from obsessive love to total repulsion..  Then there is the obsessive me..  The me that is desperate to love and be loved..  The me that is needy and clingy and begs for someone to hold me and stroke my hair and tell me I am wonderful..Those two me's can interchange in an instant..

I want to be a whole me......  I don't know if any of you have been watching heroes, but if so Nicky is like me..  Helpless as to which side of her is in control... and part of her trapped just an onlooker..

I know all this may sound crazy but I have to get it out of my head..  I want to be whole and I don't know how to fix it..  I want to be able to have meaningful relationships with men and women and I really have no clue where to start..

Spyralle xxx


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Re: Splitting
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2007, 08:18:18 AM »
You are aware of this!  That is a huge step.  ((((hugs to you dear))))  You sound very trapped in someone you don't want to be.  It sounds awful.  what if you took one room in your house and made it your haven?  Make it beautiful and clean.  One room!  Indulge yourself in something in that room...a soft blanket on the couch, a beautiful pillow, a plush rug...  How about beautiful lounge pants ( a step up from a
dirty dressing gown
.  These little things can help change your attitude.  Make you feel like something.  It seems like the neglected house and dirty dressing gown is keeping you in the past.  Break free from it dear!  Make yourself special!  Light a pretty smelling candle.  Pamper yourself!  You are worth it!  The past is just that, the past.  Start putting you baggage on the conveyor belt and watch it go away, forever!  Stop letting your mom control who you are. 

Oh, and...lots of ladies have a hard time choosing clothes.  That is why there are sales clerks.  Let them help you!  They do a great job (most of the time).  And, it is like an instant girlfriend.  You can have fun with a complete stranger picking out clothes.

I am cheering for you Spyralle!


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Re: Splitting
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2007, 08:22:35 AM »

You don't trust your feelings.  Heck, you don't even know when you're feeling or what you're feeling a lot of the time.  

From your post, it looks like you're figuring it out.  

It also is pretty obviouse that you have the tools to continue doing so and you're motivated.  

I'm not sure if you're in therapy but if you can do all that work on your own, if you are, then imagine what you can do with a caring third party educated in this stuff with nothing to do but help you figure it out?  

You're on your way and the place you're heading is a place where you've learned to identify your feelings and what triggers them.  
Learn to trust them.  
Where you honor them and understand how to deal with them and then you deal.  

All the feelings and personas you have are you.  You are whole, you're just "spinning" in confusion.  
When you've dispelled the confusion.  
When you've identified the causes.
 When you've developed coping strategies and new habits.  
When you have enough information to make good choices consistently for yourself (read that as NOT repeating old habits, but making new ones) then I believe you will begin to experience feelings of being WHOLE.  
And it will happen if you make that your goal and keep working towards it.  Know that.

Comfortable in your own skin.  

I go in and out of it so I can talk about my bridge between.  It's always gaining knowledge and understanding that starts the process for me.  Cutting myself slack and learning how to overcome some of my defeating behaviors and thoughts.  It's a process.   Replacing the negative with the positive.  Habits.  Thoughts.  Learning not to do negative things when certain feelings come up, but rather just sit with them and do nothing but feel and figure out what's happening.  



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Re: Splitting
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2007, 08:50:39 AM »
Dear Spyralle,
   I have, been thinking and worried about you. I am sooo glad that you posted. I want you to know that I understand how you are feeling. I think that you are NOT like your mother because your mother would never,ever,ever, be able to see and admit what you did.
  You are "repeating" the patterns of your mother.I have that problem, too. I really understand what you mean about the messy clothes and house. They are like  a punishment to youself. It is your expression of your worth. Janet,on another post, talked about her messy house. She can understand ,too.
   I had these patterns with sickness. I thought that if i replayed sickness, my N mother would come and help me. It made no sense. She lives far away and whenever I was sick, she was the cruelest.
  Anyway, Spy, you can heal if you keep sharing(IMO). I am not a big fan of therapy. They put a "name" on you. Maybe, with a little support from other's, the "name" will be gone in 2 months. Also, many of them are worse than you. You would never know it  when they are in their professional offices. My N mother is a therapist in Boston,This is just an opinion, If you  need their  support right now, then you might need it.
However, whatever name they have called you does not mean that you are this.
 Spy, you have been through a concentration camp. You have been a POW. You are a normal person reacting to abnormal circumstances.
  I am trying to get whole,too. I am doing it,little by little by sharing on the board. 3D people in my life don't understand what kind of mother I had,like you. People say,"Get over it." I can't alone.
 I need to bond with other's who have gone through the same thing.
  What you need to do is to slowly start to trust yourself again, to value yourself and to see that she really had no truth in what she did
  For me, the light bulb went on when I realized that God loved me. Then, I started seeing how she was. I started seeing that God did not make me to be anyone's garbage pail.
  I,myself,could not heal without my relationship with God. That is me. I have to know that Someone bigger than me has this world together. I have to know that there is Someone bigger than me who made the rules.
 On that note, I don't think that God gave us these bad mothers. I think that our  mothers made the choice to be like this. Please write and keep sharing. You are believing lies is really all that the problem is. You can face the truth about yourself(that you have value) and you can heal-- I know it
                                                                                         Love and a Big Hug   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Splitting
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2007, 09:11:46 AM »

I know what you mean about being sloppy at home, and why.

I wonder if you just tried this on:

Tell yourself that even though you feel like you're faking it, you can be organized and cleaned up for work.

So, fake it. Tell yourself that even if you aren't sure how, you're going to fake it about knowing how to make your space self-nurtuing. You don't know how, but you'll do it anyway. Fake your way through:
tidying up
throwing out everything you don't use
boxing up clutter to donate
washing the windows so they sparkle
bring in flowers
play beautiful music
move something around
hang a painting

Take a long achy bath when you're done and go to sleep in clean sheets.

You'll feel like a happier person when you wake up, even if you're faking it.

It's okay to fake it. Just notice how it feels to do each action.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Splitting
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2007, 03:38:37 PM »


Picking the precious, misused fragments of self from the ash is very painful.  I hear it in your every word.  Telling you that I was once in a similar place as you does not relieve your emotional pain in the least.   But encouragement helps, doesn't it?  The reality of these horribly painful life experiences  is that there is no quick acting, effective analgesic. There are anti-depressants, therapists, twelve step groups, friends, counselors, churches, etc.  There are resources, but none has the capacity to provide instant, lasting relief for the immediate pain.  So where do you start?  You start with what you have. 

Up to the point where I crashed and burned, I didn't know that beneath the model that had been superimposed on me there was a Signature me.  There always had been and always would be.  God designed it that way.  The big problem became, How do I pick from the ash, the now deformed, bent, bruised, fragments that carried my signature and reconstruct the one and only, unique person I was meant to be? 

What I'm saying has a metaphorical ring to it, but you must start with what you have.  And what you have now  looks like ash, but beneath it is  a trove of beautiful treasures with your signature on them.   You must become contrary with a purpose.  You must go against the grain of the wrongheaded thinking that was superimposed on you.  You must be true to yourself. Then the fragments (the 'personalities') can be sorted  and interfaced in a natural, complimentary, cohesive way that represents the unique, and only ONE of you.   

I've always loved this verse by Edwin Marlowe. 

"He drew a circle that shut me out--
Heretic, Rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had wit to win--
We drew a circle that took him in!"

I still love the verse, but way too late, I found that I'd expanded and expanded my circle to include toxic, wrongheaded, abusing people in the name of a tainted version of love.   A person whose physical, emotional, and spiritual life is amazingly healthy might fully embrace Marlowe's verse,  and not suffer any negative effect, but in the hard times, the painful times, I found myself, I had to tighten my circle to exclude much of what I had embraced before.   It didn't take long for my circle to look more like an Intensive Care Unit, than an ever expanding circle of 'love.'   The good news is that I'm out of intensive care.  My circle has begun to expand again but not without careful thought, about how expanding it will affect me and the one being encircled.

I hope I'm making a little sense.  My main point is that there is a YOU in the ash.  There are resources to help you organize and work through the process.  You shouldn't feel ashamed.  It's OK to tighten your circle and concentrate on getting you well.  That the fragments (the 'personalities') can be sorted through and interfaced in a natural, complimentary, cohesive way that represents the unique, only ONE of you.  You should not feel that you have to do this alone.  What resources are you tapping into as we speak?  The board is a good one.




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Re: Splitting
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2007, 05:52:16 PM »
Hey Spy,

I was projecting.

I haven't picked up a thing this weekend and my room is messier than it was on Friday.

LOTS of love to you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Splitting
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2007, 08:34:43 PM »
Dear TT,
   The "signature ' is beautiful                                                           Love to you    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Splitting
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2007, 11:15:27 PM »

Ami...thanks!   :)]




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Re: Splitting
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2007, 09:20:02 PM »
There is the mother me..  I love my daughter with a passion..  She is the only person in the world who gets me..  She understands all my failings and loves me anyway..  She keeps me here and she keeps me safe...

There is another who gets you...  You get you.  You're obviously so smart, and making excellent progress working through the steps that must be completed in order to emerge victorious after the mistreatment that your NM heaped on you.

She did not teach you how to think things through well.  She gave you no benefit of her wisdom, fro she had none.  You have had to learn this on your own.  Congrats to you.  You have done it.  No thanks to her.  One wonders what happened to her, and all the rest of our NM's...  But it hardly matters now, how it happened.  What matters is loving and taking care of yourself.  Love yourself as you love your daughter.

I find that one of the best things I have learned is to simply walk away from N behavior.  I hold my NM at great distance, as does my sister.  Sometimes I blow up in anger at my kids, or I get sucked into my H's NT BS.  But I know I need to stop raging at the kids, and stop arguing with H, and just walk away.  Acting like my nut-case N mother, who is also a therapist, and that is the ultimate irony, is bad for me, bad for my kids, bad for the world, bad for the universe.

We break these chains of bondage, throw back the curtains and shine light into our saddened souls.  We clean up the mess that we have allowed to accumulate, as we take back our lives, our time, from those who got us off to such a terrible start, and those who would now waste our days with worthless N'ish interaction.  No more!  Take yourself back and nurture yourself.  You are God's perfect creation.  Rejoice in the knowledge that you can do whatever you want, regardless of what she said.  She was wrong!     


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Re: Splitting
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2007, 10:05:07 PM »
WOW- my N mother is a therapist ,too. It provides so many tools to mess with our minds
                                                                                                     Love Ami                               
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Splitting
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2007, 10:33:01 PM »
>>>if you are, then imagine what you can do with a caring third party educated in this stuff with nothing to do but help you figure it out? >>>

I don't remember which board member said this, but it is SO true.  I see a psychologist now who is wonderful, a Christian and will help me work through my anger issues.