I belong to another board, and someone there suggested looking for places that are independently owned, rather than managed by large companies. I think I'm going to do that. I've seen a few of those in the paper, or actually, just signs in yards. I got some other suggestions I'll have to try.
What's going to keep her from doing something similar? I know an awful lot about identity theft now. I check my credit report regularly. If something shows up that doesn't belong, I dispute it. If she does it again, and I find out it's her, I'm going to turn her into the police, and no amount of begging, whining or pleading will changed my mind. Kind of like the saying, Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I won't be fooled a second time.
The worst part of this is. I really don't owe much money at all. It's not like I have a mountain of debt. I have one account that I still owe on, and I can pay it off quickly. I did make good use of the three years between now and my last attempt to leave. It's awful. I just feel like I'm in a prison I can't escape from no matter how hard I try. I'm hoping my lawyer will be able to give me something to show prospective landlords so that I can at least rent something.
She's like a leech, you know. I was reading old posts from journal yesterday, and one of them was about applying for jobs out of state. When I told her she said, "Well if you get it, I'm coming with you. You're not taking that baby away from me."
I'd forgotten about that. I think I'm going to start recording some of these conversations.