Dear Lighter,
I hope that I can help you. I have just learned so much by allowing myself to be real. The board held me up when I was falling and now I am seeing out to the other side.
One thing that I can see with you is that you took a "chance" on being honest. IMO, that is good. The really hard part for us, I think, is that we have lied to ourselves about our reality for a long time. I think that we had a God given denial mechanism kick in. If not, we may have died. However ,at some point , the denial ,itself,becomes the problem.. Then , we have made decisions based on denial ----- relationship ,kids etc . Denial is a faulty foundation to base a life on. One day, our life just fails. Then, we are in trouble. usually we do not even have the tools to help us get out.
I think that you are in the first stage of digging yourself out of the 'Hole". You used a good tool----honesty.
Your M probably does not want you to use honesty,but you are trying to become whole and congruent, so you need to use honesty in order for you to be O.K.
You sound scared,now, because you 'opened" the forbidden door(honesty) and now don't know what will happen.
I understand totally. It is really ,really scary.
Keep writing and get whatever support that you need( 3 -D)
I will be here to help you as you all helped me. You may feel horrible ,but you are trying to restructure your life and is very, very hard. Keep going in the direction of honesty and I think that you(and I) will come out the other end Love Ami