Lighter, that made me teary eyed. Thank you.
I went and bought some things for my new home at lunch today, and I thought, this is going to be so amazing.
Forgive her, she knows not what she does.
Do better.
Move past her and create new support systems with people who build you up.
I can't forgive her, not yet. I'm still too angry to forgive. I can move on and start my single parents group and meet new people, but no, I'm not ready to forgive.
Listen, that anger is helping you define yourself and providing the energy you need to carry you through this crisis.
Embrace it.
You need it right now, it's useful to you.
About the new purchases. I'm so glad you can turn your attention to the nice things going on around you, despite the pain and the turmoil.
That's part of winning the battle, IMO. Being able to enjoy the enjoyable while the N's rage around you.
About forgiving,
at some point.
I'll share with you what a loved one passed on to me years ago.
You won't forgive her..... to help her.
When you forgive her, you'll do it for you.
It helped to realize that the person I was forgiving was doing his best.
If he could do better, he would have.
He couldn't and I could then forgive him and it did make me feel better.
That ghost stopped tap tap tapping me on the shoulder.
I wish the same for you, when the time comes.