Hello, Axa: It is SOOOO wonderful to have someone understand you and validate you...
I have had two real Ns in my life. My ex husband and my nmom. They are two different types of Ns. My xh was one of those "soulless people." He would do things without any respect for consequences...if he wanted to do it, he did and didn't even worry about it until later. It has gotten him into so much trouble, but he just doesn't seem to learn from his mistakes.
My nmom, on the other hand, is just an egomaniac. It's not that she doesn't have a soul, it is just that everything she does is self serving. So if she hurts someone else, that doesn't matter if she has an agenda and that person gets in the way. So in a way, I guess she doesn't have a "soul." Or she just sucks at empathy. I know she has chosen other people's feelings over mine hundreds of times. She is the Queen of Betrayal!! (one for the Dahhhhhrrrrlings thread!)