Hi Guest - Would this help???
It defines what the MBTI means by 'feeling' and 'thinking'.
You know, I just have a feeling that (well, I would have a 'feeling'!) that Ns choose the NFs rather than the other way around. The sensitive are so much easier to manipulate and influence without it being noticed.
I'd take a guess that a T can say logically "this N is not good for me" and act on it but Fs get all worked up about their values - being understanding, caring, concerned, etc.
So if we want to be true to our 'preference' then we need a new set of values. Being willing to be a 'Persecutor' in order to get off the merry go round seems to be one of them!!!!
Thanks for the link Rosencrantz. I will enjoy going there in some reading time over the Easter Break.
Your comment made me think maybe that's why it's good if you're F to have lot's of T friends to bounce our ideas off. And vice versa. I know my hide's been saved more than once by an opposite view from somebody being expressed just in the nick of time, so that I could embrace it.
Maybe it's in our relationships that we're meant to,(no, meant sounds too pre-ordained for me, so I replace it with), can find and access the good that's missing or low in us.
And your comment about the sensitive ones being easier to manipulate. I agree with you 1110%, yet I struggle with it, isn't that curious? Being sensitive and being manipulated - it somehow seems a contradiction. One would think that being sensitive, or should I say appropriately sensitive, would lead one to recognise manipulation immediately.
I guess it depends on the context and use of the word sensitive. I'm probably linguistically ignorant and being stupidly pedantic and a pain in the arse here, so I'll stop now. But can I say one more thing
Now Rosencrantz, even though you're not here, you say, "Go on"

(eyes rolling accompanied by a bored sigh)
I've noticed that some people lay claim to and say, "I'm a sensitive caring feeling type. A real softie." And you know they can are cruel insensitive jerks who rough handle others and can't see it. And they're also the ones you can hear them squealing from the moon if they're even mildly mishandled by anyone. I can think of a few people I know like this, and they definitely don't see it .
One of the worst N's I've ever known really believed he was a sensitive feeling type who was misunderstood by the world (where' the bucket, I gotta chuck) and even cried on my shoulder for himself more than once. Yes he was sensitive and caring. Extremely, full-time, sensitive and caring about himself and who or what affected him! But that was as far as his extreme sensitivity and concern went.
I think it's why I mistrust anyone now who tells me how sensitive and caring they are! My antennae activate, and I go on silent watch. Humming away in the back of my brain I'm thinking, "Right-y-ho matey, you've now got me on alert. I didn't care before whether you were a sensitive or insensitive type. But now I'm suspicious that you're trying to guide and lead my perception of you, I'm on guard. Why do you need or want me to believe that you are a sensitive, caring type? I'll keep that in mind in future and watch and see just how sensitive and caring you really are. And thanks for the warning? I've been emotionally raped enough."
Yah, I find ze vord zenzitive to be a very tricky vord indeed. Now, vhere is mien monicle? Glad to talk with you Rosencrantz.
Disclaimer: On re-reading this post I realised that some may feel I'm hinting or trying to make some furtive point. No! NO! No! I absolutely, positively, definitely was NOT referring to any of my esteemed colleagues here when talking about this 'sensitive' stuff. I'm just talking here, and I feel safe to talk about it with Rosencrantz, and the effect it has on me when I hear it. Phew, glad I caught that little mozzie before it escaped and bit somebody.