Hi Ami and CB and Hops...
It’s not that I don’t think there is something major wrong with my mother. I do. Too much happened when I was a child to not think that. I was just wondering because of her self reflection if her problems are something else besides being an N. With an N there is no hope for change. But another thing I’m thinking is that she hasn’t changed. Her attitude toward me most of the time this trip has changed, but maybe it’s because Dad is now her target. Maybe an abuser that’s not an N could change, but I don’t know if there is such a thing as an abuser that’s not an N. Hops… I think she is addicted to drama. I get mad at myself because I feel so confused when I’m around them. I want to be prepared before my next visit.
My List
I know she misrepresents my Dad’s condition and many other things.
I know she plays mind control games.
I think she may be self reflecting some.
I know she tries to control his every move, and I know she has done this to me all my life. I’m not sure why the attitude change toward me is now is different.
I know it bothers her that my brother and sister don’t have much contact.
I know she talks about me behind my back, because my Uncle said I looked healthier than he’s ever seen before, and I don’t talk to my Uncle that much and rarely see him. He would have no clue about me unless someone was talking. Plus, my issues aren’t health issues, they are emotional issues so I don’t know what that was about.
She likes drama and Dad hates drama. She seems to want to make things worse, but maybe that’s fear, I don’t know.
They did a lot of tests on Dad that night and said he had a very high ammonia level and this had caused his confusion at Peebles. They put him on lactulose. Mom and I spent the night in the hospital and the next day he was much better. He knew us and wasn’t confused. He started wanting to document everything that happened. He asked me to go to the house and get his laptop and several other notes he had. My father is a very detailed person. He was in school until I was 9, getting his Thd in theology. He’s a very smart man and he’s very intent on documenting his condition. He has another medical notebook he keeps on Mammaw also. Anyway, he wanted to get started. So I told him I would go get what he needed and bring it back to him and then I would go and spend several hours with Mammaw. I went to the house, got his laptop and printed some of the notes he’d asked for from his laptop, and came back to the hospital. When I got back, he had his medical notebook and lots of papers out and was writing things down. He thanked me and I asked him if he was okay and he said he was. So I said I was going to check on Mammaw and Mom said she wished I wouldn’t. She said that by spending so much time with Mammaw I was spoiling her, and that was why Mammaw got so upset each time I left. Then Dad told my mother she couldn’t control how Mammaw felt. And my mother said yes she could. You can control what others think and feel by the way you treat them. You can teach them to feel certain ways. And I felt anger and rage again. I couldn’t believe she had said that. That was exactly how I felt growing up. Like she was trying to control what I thought and what I felt. Then she started in on Dad. You have no business writing out your notes here. You are supposed to be resting and on and on. And Dad ignores her and keeps working on his notes. I left.
I stayed with Mammaw for a few hours, then came back to the hospital to check on Dad. I could tell that what had started before I left had continued. They were sniping at each other and when I came in my mom decided she would go home for a while. Mom tells him not to do anything stupid while she is gone. She grabbed her purse and the laptop and wants me to go with her because she’s parked on the other side of the hospital. She wants me to drive her to her car. And on the way out, she says, maybe she shouldn’t have said that, he is sick and she shouldn’t attack his self esteem too much. And now I feel stupid. I feel so much rage I can’t respond. The words won’t come. She notices and says this is too much for me, I can’t handle it. Maybe I should take a break from Dad and Mammaw. And I feel more rage. It’s not Dad and Mammaw I can’t cope with. It’s her. And I wonder if she knows this and is toying with me. I go back to Dad’s room. Dad says to me she tries to control my every move. She’s on me to quit my job at Peebles. I like my job. I told her I wanted to call my manager and she had a fit. If I say black, she says white. I couldn’t get any of my notes done while she was here, and she wouldn’t give me my laptop. Your mother can’t handle what’s happening. And she doesn’t want to help me at all. She doesn’t like for me to ask her to do anything. Can you hand me my toothpaste and my toothbrush. Would you get my manager on the phone so I can find out exactly what happened to me. Can you fill my water up and put some ice in it etc etc. So I did these things. He calls his work and takes notes to what they are saying happened to him. He asked if he collapsed. He is told he didn’t. They said he had a long line at his register, that a coworker noticed and went to help him. When she got there, he couldn’t log on. This coworker was a nursing student and could tell something was very wrong. She told him to sit down and she took care of his customers. After that he told her he needed a break for a while. She said she would call his wife and he begged her not too. Then she went to get the manager. Then he started getting worse. They started asking him for Mom’s cell number because they only had the home number. He told them 7777777. They asked him where he was, he didn’t know. They asked him who they were, he didn’t know. They asked him what year it was he said 1974. He asked them again if they were sure he didn’t collapse. They said he didn’t. And the whole time he’s on the phone, he’s writing his notes. My stomach is in a knot. I’m understanding now the reason he is so intent on getting the notes. He’s clearing up, he’s afraid he’ll get confused again. He writes these things to give them to his main liver doctor at the other hospital. He’s afraid Mom will misrepresent him. These are all guesses. He hasn’t said these things to me they are what I’m feeling. Then I’m thinking maybe she’s afraid, maybe all this scares the shit out of her. Maybe she’s not doing these things intentionally. And I think maybe I’m nuts. Maybe because I feel these things so intensely it’s projection, that I’m not seeing what I think I’m seeing. Maybe I can relate to much, that I’m too emotional. I feel the fog in my brain. I feel confused. After I get everything done he wants done I ask him if he wants me to turn on the TV. I ask him if he’s tired. He says he’s fine, but he really needs to get some things done. He wants me to home so he can work on his notes. I ask him if he remembers my saying Dad and him opening his eyes in the emergency room. He says he doesn’t remember it. She was right, I was wrong. He didn’t know us in the emergency room. I start doubting myself again. I go back to the house.
When I get there I get the other side of course. Mom says she doesn’t understand Dad. He won’t rest. He knows how sick he is but he won’t rest. She’s mad because he won’t quit his job. She’s be on him to quit and he won’t. He needs to rest but he’s so intent on getting his notes. He’s nuts to think he can still work and on and on she goes. She says he constantly tells her he’s okay, he’s not that sick, to leave him alone. And I say to Mom that everyone is not like her. That people deal with sickness different ways. That Dad has always been very detailed. That maybe he uses his job as a distraction and if he wants to spend his time making notes so what. Let him deal with it in his own way. She tells me I don’t understand, that I’ve always been a Daddys girl and that I don’t know what’s best for him. I tell her that she doesn’t know what’s best for him either. That only Dad knows what’s best for him. And then I go to bed and get mad at her all over again. She says he can’t do his job, but she doesn’t see any reason he can’t paint the fence, or mow the lawn, or put the shelves up in the garage, or cut the bushes. She thinks he’s perfectly capable of doing the things she wants done, but if it’s something he wants he’s too sick. I think I should go back to assisted living to sleep but I can’t. I’m feeling a very strong urge to stay. I know I’m wanting to control the situation. Control the damage. My T has warned me over and over to walk away when I’m feeling this way but I can’t, and I’m angry that I can’t.
It’s getting long again. What do you see? She’s crazy? I’m crazy? We’re all crazy? I think it’s her, but maybe it’s not. Maybe Dad is misrepresenting his condition by downplaying his illness. Maybe I’m so willing to jump to his side I don’t see it. Maybe the truth is somewhere in between. Is her behavior N or something else?