Okay, here's my latest moronic stunt.
I am a realtor, and I recently did a walk-through with a buyer client. There had been an issue with the gas hot-water heater, and I was concerned that it might still have a problem. I could not tolerate the slightest risk on behalf of my client. What if he moved in and there was a carbon-monoxide leak? He could die. I had to test it.
I got out a utility extention cord, and took one of the CO detectors out of my home, packed it all up, along with a mirror to test for back-draft, and off I went. Got to the home, did the test. No CO. Very pleased.
Then I realized. I forgot the walk-through form. I didn't have the official checklist used to do the walk-through, which the listing agent would want from at settlement two hours later. OMG. But I had e-mailed a copy long with three other forms used in the home-inspection, walk-through process. He had printed it and had it with him. I was saved. That's the way things often go. When I have my daft moments, I sure am glad that my luck usually holds out. I ate crow, thanked my clients profusely, and admitted that I wasn't sure that I could walk and chew gum. The CO issue had me in a state of complete distraction.
I didn't mention to my client, but I will tell you, that I have meant for months to put a copies of every critical form into a plastic file-box to keep in my car, and that I have also been meaning to buy a portable printer for my car. Either of those would have solved my problem. But I find that much of what goes on in my life is a terrible waste of time. My N'ish husband cannot understand that his empty discourse (false claims of grandiosity, random sniping, trying to irritate my children and me for his own amusement, etc.) is not appreciated. I try to explain that the wasted time is precious to me. He doesn't get it. He just wants what he wants when he wants it, and anybody who get in the way is going to enrage him, eventually. I find myself trying to remember his mother's advice. Ignore him. Don't try to change what he does or says. Ignore him. That's what the women in this family do to the N'ish men in the family. If ignoring them isn't effective, they cut them off from sex. When I mentioned to my mother-in-law that I had the distinct impression that H's late wife used the cold bed routine to control him, my very frank MIL said "Works for me."
Excuse me. I think Ozzie and Harriet are on the television, so I'm going into the living room now. Maybe I'll watch Art Linkletter later. Have swell day.
Love and kisses,
The Idiot Mensa Girl