Lupita, Innerquest...both of your posts were so interesting to me.
Lupita, you told about the dangers of being in unfamiliar places with bears, whatever.
Innerquest, you explored the fact that GoldiLocks knew when to run away from it all. Excellent posts...and now, I'd like to add my view too.
I believe, first of all, Goldilocks was a rebel. Her apparently loving mother, warned her to stay in the house until she returned from shopping. GL, thinking she knew the TERRITORY, ventured out, ended up LOST and, INTRUDED into some strangers' home.
She then committed the act of STEALING, by eating their food, VANDALISM, by breaking their furniture, and STUPIDITY, by falling asleep in their bed. DUH on GL.
Now, true, when she came face to face with the enemy (bears), she didn't hang around for the fallout. She got "outta dodge" as they say! SMART GIRL...and also, BLESSED GIRL...those bears could have SUED THE PANTS OFF HER, not to mention, eaten her for their dinner meal!
What the story tells me is OBEY THE REASONABLE might be your loving mom, your pastor, your friend, your mentor, Holy Spirit...but HEED THE VOICE OF REASON and DO NOT VENTURE INTO PLACES THAT YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD NOT BE IN.
I probably should have run too, once I realized that the house I had visited, was full of bears!