I need you all to help me. again. I feel that I must "punish" myself.all the time. It is like I make a "deal" with" it".( I am not quite sure what "it" is) If I drink coffee too late at night and disturb my sleep--- Will "it" leave me alone.? If I eat something that gives me a stomach ache so I feel sick--- Will "it" be satisfied? If I destroy a nice day by "worrying" will" it' be satisfied?"
I know that it sounds totally crazy and it is,but I need help and hopefully others have gone through this. I am posting about it b/c I want to let it go.
I think that this layer of continually depriving myself of good things is a huge layer.When I get to the bottom, I will be much better.
I think that it is probably "cognitive dissonance "thing. You want "balance " You will give up valuable personal qualities in order to make something"right"
My feeling like I have to punish myself all the time has something to do with this, I think.
My mother told me in thousands of ways that I was despicable. I was the lowest ant that crawled on the ground. Then, on top of that, I should be stepped on. Her words, her looks, her voice and her mannerisms told me that i was responsible for every bad emotion and thought that she ever had. I was so disgusting ,. I was such a child", so fearful, so dependent, so insecure, so needy etc. I see now that all these qualities were HER. However, I see it with my 'head" not my heart. In my
Heart, I believe her. This 'punishing" myself is trying to still believe her. It is wanting to hate myself RATHER than face how horrible my own mother is. I would rather die inside than face that she was and is the monster "behind the door" in the horror movie.
I made the decision,(age 14) that she was what she said she was "" caring, wanting to do the best for you. loving, and giving. So, WHO was left to be the BAD on? ME. I took the fear, and all the other bad qualities that she hated so much-- dependence insecurity, anxiety etc
I see that she always put me in a 'bind" where I would fail. I had to do well in school,but I was supposed to be SO smart to do well without studying. If I studied, I was failing B/C I was not smart enough. I was supposed to look good without spending time and effort on clothes, make up etc. If I spent time and concern ,I failed b/c I was supposed to look good effortlessly.
This was my existence.
I took on this self hate b/c I made the decision ( subconscious) that I could not face the evil and sickness of this dynamic. It was so evil and so sick that I think that I could have gone insane by facing it( I think)
So, now, I am still not facing what I need to. She is not here,but I am still punishing myself to appease "the gods".
If anyone can see what I can't, I would so appreciate your help Love Ami