Small rant warning:
My Therapist kept asking me if I was angry at myself...... yet.
He kept asking every time we met.... for months. He doesn't ask any more, however.
I always found the question puzzling, in any case.
I'm so focused on the unfairness of the abuse and the fact that N blew such a sweet set up..... it never occurred to me that I should/would be mad at myself for allowing the abuse.
I still haven't felt the urger to blame myself or be angry in my direction. ::shrug::
Maybe I'm missing an important point? Hard to say, really.
What I do feel.....
is responsibility for my part in everything that happened.
That breaks down in rational exploration and acceptance of the facts.....
all the red flags I ignored,
the excuses I made,
turning a blind eye and ignoring symptoms....etc.
I had the information I needed to avoid the dreaded N.
I just didn't have the cutthroat ability to cut him off at the knees and dismiss him OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Or with finality in the first place. Why? What happened, that I can fix? HOW TO ENFORCE BOUNDARIES?
I did dismiss him. More than once. I also made the mistake of explaining why.... so he could re formulate and come back after making adjustments that pushed my excuses to the side.
BIG MISTAKE on my part.
I allowed my boundaries to be breached after defending them like a mother tiger.
N circumvented, he cut wires and he covertly infiltrated my space, family and activities.
He entered my life in ways I couldn't extract him from easily.
ALL MY FAULT, but that doesn't mean I'm angry at me.
Now that I see what he did..... I'm still ticked off at HIM!
I'll try to do better next time.
That's all I can do.
Why would being angry at yourself be helpful?
I'd like you, and everyone, to be mindful of speaking to yourself with a kind voice, with care, with encouragement.
I did that last night, mindfully aware of the tone and words I chose while completing a project I''ve been procrastinating over for months.
Not only did I finish the project, it looks great and I feel good about it.
I didn't have to beat myself up and I still don't understand directing anger at ourselves as normal or functional.
I'm still so angry at N I could spit,
and sometimes do.
Most importantly, I've given up hope that my N will ever be acceptable to be around or capable of being anything but a sociopathic monster.
That's what he is and I don't have any illusions about that any more.
It took a while to reach this place.
No more yearning or longing..... just sadness or anger and that's better.
That's healing.
The next step, IMO, is thinking about him less and less, until one day I wake up and find myself surprised that I haven't thought about him in a long time.
I'll filled my life with other things and people.
I can only hope that I make better choices, mindfully, every day.
I'm aware of HOW to do that. I'm just not so great at withstanding a full bore assault from an N/sociopath who makes it their business to say and do what certain things in order to gain nice people's trust.
My best advice to everyone is to trust your first gut instinct and don't question it, no matter how tempting the N is after they've made adjustments and started dazzling you with exquisite words and actions you would have killed for in the first place.
I'm even questioning the rule I have where I say.... "that is unacceptable behavior and if you do that again I will know that you don't want to have a relationship with me."
Screw that. ::Crossing it off list of communication skills::
You did something that crossed a boundarie, you're outtahere! No second chances and no more explaining what you did.... so you can fix it and fool me!
HMPH! Take that sociopathic N's of the world!
::practicing saying "No thank you, I'm not interested No thank you, I'm not interested No thank you, I'm not interested::
At this time, I'm moving into a place where I'm about normal (at times.)
I'm upset less.
I'm looking forward to my life more.
I'm opening doors and walking through..... I'm breathing different air than the air I breathed while with my N.
While under his control.
While fearing his moods and cruel words and yearning for kindness..... fairness..... to be valued, not overvalued then plunged into the cycle of the devaluation process. It was so confusing and painful and destructive.
I understand now.
Yikes. Did I just jinx myself, lol?
Not sure but, in any case, I had to talk about the anger and write about the anger and think about the anger and beat it to death over and over again until I was DONE doing it then the nexp phase could begin.
That's how we heal, IMO.