My painting was one of those hurling intense things direct from the subconscious!
It's impressionist like always and religious which is unusual, going from the top down is light, then crosses, then a hill with people grouped formally at the bottom and the largest figures are grey shapes in the foreground surrounded by mist.
It symbolises exactly how I feel about religion I guess, about G_d above all, and the prophets leading us, and organisations which both contain and exclude people....but everyone can see the light and no one is either nearer or closer to G_d simply through their position.
MOON! How lovely for you to come back and hear about it! You have always been my creative inspiration and encourager, I have no doubt the door will open to a beautiful vision of loveliness, manifestation of your inner self!
Paint anyway Teartracks. Most of my stuff is awful, meaningful only to me. I don't care, it's necessary, it's like...the pooping of the child within...
you aren't mistaking them for your SelfI think I might be 'between selves' right now Storm, I do feel somewhat reborn out of the cathartic crisis of the weekend.
The practical stuff is a bit overwhelming though isn't it, finances and administration. I'm so glad we did all that stuff here about women and money recently and i read the book Money a Memoir, it makes me realise it's a woman thing and our society, and not entirely me alone who suffers this incompetence and indecisiveness.
if a situation can't fit into the way I manage my limitations it has to go perfectly put Iz and Hops; in fact- if a situation doesn't fit with me I guess it has to go whether that's because of difficulties or choice or simply who I am...
Isn't it strange though how often we're pushed into stuff or defined by stuff which is from a distance, like our past, or amorphous 'society'. I have so long been trying to get good feedback I have become hyper self-critical and approval-seeking.
Thanks Bigalspal- and welcome. Thanks Mountainspring, thanks Ami.
I am much calmer tonight, and a certain resignation has set in that I can't control some of the things which are my anxieties, and some I may never totally control, just do my best to manage.
Glad you didn't have to fight off any fall flat of your face detractors.thanks TT.
I am gettign better at setting boundaries with the nay-sayers.
Didn't call my dad though for a while, even though I ought I guess, can't cope with him, he's like that Harry Enfield character in British comedy 'you don't wanna do that....

Goodnight everyone, will read and post more tomorrow.
Trying to get more sleep!