Author Topic: 6th Anniversary  (Read 2429 times)

Gaining Strength

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6th Anniversary
« on: July 12, 2007, 08:12:53 AM »
Yesterday marked the 6th anniversary of my husband's death.  I spent the morning in the court room - the very same court room I sat in time after time concerning his estate.  I had hoped to go to the cemetary with my son but instead I spent much of the day trying in vain to track down the nurse my father assaulted to serve her with a subpoena.  She has an attorney and is hiding out.  We suspect my father, through his attorney, is paying her to avoid testifying to his danger to others.

The stress of this life is difficult to keep at bay.  The mornings are the worst.  I am tired - weary to my bones.  It is not that I haven't gotten stronger, its that the challenges and storms are relentless, powerfully relentless.  I believe that I must change my focus.  Does anyone here have an inspirational story about focusing on the good in life as a means to get through the difficult.  My body has a long habit of "stress response" and I so want to find my way to calm and peace and comfort.


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Re: 6th Anniversary
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2007, 08:40:12 AM »
Dear GS,
   I am so sorry for what you are going through. Frederick Douglass- From" Bondage to Freedom" was my all time favorite book.(I think that is the name or close)
   I was thinking about a show on Christian radio. A lawyer said he ALWAYS saw a "fight" in the family if the estate  was large. IOW, I think that human nature must just be 'bad".I know that the issue is not the estate ,now,but I remember your posts from before
    I know what you mean about the "stress" response that is always "on".
   I am feeling better today, as I have been expressing deep feelings and feeling that I am being heard and that it is O.K and  I am not flawed or weird .My stress was from the inside b/c I had these feelings. Then when 'real" stress came, I would get sick.
   I will be praying for you                        Love  Ami
« Last Edit: July 12, 2007, 09:01:32 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: 6th Anniversary
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2007, 10:29:16 AM »
Hi GS,
What you're going through in some ways reminds me of the work of my father's final illness. For various reasons I was exhausted...and in your case, it's complicated by his horrible behavior. Also, when an external thing such as court (or a terminal illness) demands response on ITS timetable, it is especially draining.

I am wondering if in the limited time you have for your own nurturing these days, you could do some special things to emphasize your inner claim on that time. For me, it was very difficult for my mind to not always be racing about the next thing needed" for the work of the crisis, even during my respites from it.

It's not quite an inspirational story, but perhaps inspirational experience I think that might help most. The things that occur to me immediately are nature and music. Can you create a retreat for yourself (phone unplugged, or away from home in a very beautiful spot) where you intentionally focus on something beautiful in nature? Small or large? Secondly, can you use music intentionally? I find that what moves me most is choral music. When I sit in a hall or even a great human chorus, I feel I'm in a great human embrace. The voice is such a direct communication, and music is such a spiritual vehicle.

I am sending you beauty, for your ears, and beauty, for your eyes, and peace, for your tired heart.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 6th Anniversary
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2007, 11:26:28 AM »
Hi GS,
I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't know your story, but I know you are going through pure misery.
What I do that helps me is to make a gratitude list. I list all the GOOD thing & all my blessings. I admit it's hard somedays to do that, if I'm having a stressfull time of it. Somedays I have to list really basic things, like enough to eat, a warm bed to sleep in, living in a land where I'm free. KWIM?
That tends to put things in perspective for me.
It works for me, & I hope it can help you.
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
          To a group of boosters before an Auburn game.


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Re: 6th Anniversary
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2007, 02:52:45 PM »
Dear GS,
What you are going thru is rough stuff .
You have come such a long way from when you first came to the board .

I have inspirational stories that dear friends have gone thru events that I have pondered the sweetest love and support of dear ones...
In my life my story is one of understanding and kindness...because of bipolar and my husband being a scientist he understands chemistry
also brain chemistry and so the mood swings that I have endured and he has as well he does not view as a character flaws.

A person with bipolar is going to be who they are just more intense moods.......
His kindness and understanding has revealed the strength of human love
and understanding.

GS I am sending so much love to you at this difficult time ...


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Re: 6th Anniversary
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2007, 06:05:06 PM »
Dear GS,

It seems like anything I can come up with is so small in comparison to the situation you have found yourself in.  The only things I know are these:  Anything in my life that I have ever worried about did not come to pass.  Any of the bigger things that did happen, I could not have foreseen.  The very biggest, most difficult events of my life were really where God was hardest at work.  I was better off in each instance when I simply put one foot in front of the other and let God carry me along.  There was always a larger force at work that turned out for the best.  I never could see that before, though.  The first time I saw it and understood it was the time several years ago when my oldest son almost killed himself.  That was finally something too big for me to try to manage.  So I didn't. 

When my father was dying, I forgot that lesson again.  I thought he was going to live longer than he did and I was trying to pace myself for the long haul.  In fact, I needed only to go full speed for one month longer.  In hindsight, I wish I had thought only of each day as it occurred and I wish I had known I would have as much strength as I needed for that.  So, today I hope that you only think of today and you only think of the very most important things of all.  IMO, the most important things of all are you and your son.  I hope that there is still time today to visit the cemetery.  Then go to bed and let tomorrow take care of tomorrow.

It is sad indeed that the victim of your father's assault can apparently be bought.  That is something that you may not be able to impact.  Greed is powerful.  So is fear. 

Anyway, from here, I'd say nothing is more important than you and your son and this sacred anniversary.  Tomorrow will reveal what is most important tomorrow.

Love, Pennyplant
"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: 6th Anniversary
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2007, 07:10:01 PM »
Wow!  I bet it seems like just yesterday.  One issue at a time.  Mourn the loss of your H and set the thing with your dad on the back burner.  Then pick up where you left off and hope that some judge can see through daddys ploys.

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"

Gaining Strength

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Re: 6th Anniversary
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2007, 12:51:56 PM »
Ami - thanks for the frederick Douglas book.  And I especially appreciate your understanding about the stress and like your comments.  Thanks.

S+S - thans for your suggestions.  I have turned to adrenal supplements.  I found a great source Future Formuations from Dr. Wilson.  But I have lasped these past two weeks.  I definitely need to force myself back on them.  I also learned that magnesium is a plus under stress and one means is epsom salt baths but I have been to somethinged to get those done too.  But your response motivates me to do what I know works which is precisely what you recommend.  Thank you.

Hops - I'll try the music.  That is a very good suggestion.  Thanks for empathizing.  It makes a true, real difference.  I am deeply, deeply thankful that you and the others care.  And my spirit is joined with yours especially as your daughter comes to visit.  I will keep calm, receptivity and joy in mind for your time together and as always I am watching the paper work pile dwindle piece by piece.  Thanks.

Bigalspal - I have come to understand how life changing a state of grattitude is and yet I have allowed it to fall out of perspective.  thank you for the reminder to put it back in the forefront.  I am thankful for much including the fact that in spite of the overwhelming amount of stress I am not slipping into the abyss of depression.  That is extraordinarily significant for me.  Thanks for your reminder of grattitude.

Moonlight - as you know I so love the kindness and compassion the emanate from you.  There is a powerful healing aura that extends across the miles right through this electronic medium and I am thankful to receive your gift.

Pennyplant - many thanks for you important voice.
The very biggest, most difficult events of my life were really where God was hardest at work.  I was better off in each instance when I simply put one foot in front of the other and let God carry me along.  There was always a larger force at work that turned out for the best.
  I have kept this thought in mind over and over.  I held onto it with strength and conviction before and during the hearing yesterday.  I keeps me grounded and moving forward with hope and knowledge that the light will shine in the darkness.
The first time I saw it and understood it was the time several years ago when my oldest son almost killed himself.  That was finally something too big for me to try to manage.  So I didn't.
  How extraordinarily kind of you to share this profoundly personal experience with me.  I fully embrace the truth you can to understand and have generously shared with me.

[qutoe]Greed is powerful.  So is fear. [/quote]  Isnt' this true.  I am convince that truth and good are more powerful but I am fully aware that greed and fear have a power the seems boundless.  I chose at this time in my life to believe that their power is merely an appearance and that truth and good are in the end greater powers.  I don't have the proof but I do chose to believe.

Overcomer - the judge is a coward and has been intimidated by my father's attorney.  There are twists and turns daily.  For now we are trying to get to release as of July 23rd.  But there is so much more to come.  There is great sorrow in this experience, tradgedy, waste of life and promise.  But I agree with Pennyplant that there is a larger force at work that will turn out for the best.  I am vigilant for that best.  Heretofore I have focused on the darkside and railed against the pain and injustice.  That simply exacerbated my suffering.  It was a waste but I could not have known that at the time.  Now I am transitioning into the more positive points in this universe.  It is somewhat surprising that it is a difficult transition but there is only one way to move and that is forward - there is no promise in retreating into the pain or the darkness.

Thanks to you  all.  It is indescribably powerful to be able to open my computer in the midst of my struggle and loneliness and find support and encouragement.  Two aspects that I believe are essential to life and two aspects that are missing for children of Ns that in fact the opposite of exists for children of Ns from their N parents - like the children of Zeus and black widows, they try to destroy us for their own narcissistic selves.


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Re: 6th Anniversary
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2007, 01:37:13 PM »
GS:  I guess one of the hardest things for me is patience.  I seriously believe where it says in the Bible, "Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord."  But part of me wants to take measures into my own hands and take my mother out.  Not take her out, but put her in her place.  I think God will deal with these people Himself and we just need to do our very best.  Frustrating I am sure.

What is your goal?  What will your father do if he gets uncommitted?  Will he live in a home by himself?  What ramifications does that have on you???

All I know is you are going through the mill and I just want to give you a big hug (((((((((((((((((((GS)))))))))))))))))))))))) and say I am saying a prayer for you!!!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: 6th Anniversary
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2007, 01:38:42 PM »
I've really missed you.
Thank you so much for the update.

Strength-swapping. You're on.

love and strength to you too.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: 6th Anniversary
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2007, 11:20:34 AM »
Things on my father's front are quiet for maybe a week, until a July 23rd hearing.  Now it is my mother with whom I am struggling.  I am so filled with rage and anger but turning those dark feelings over every second.  I don't believe it is productive or healthful to hold these feelings.

She lies  - about inconsequential things, about things that she is even called on - and refuses to admit it even when caught.  I am worn thin.  All of that is accompanied by her passive aggressiveness and her "pitiful me" stance.  In short, he energy just sucks up everrything around and it is taking a toll on me.

Miraculously, my brother's have recognized that.  We all had a meeting yesterday and we are arranging care for my mother with out me in the midst.  It is miraculous that my brothers and I are working together to get my parents situated.  And it is miraculous that my brothers recognize my mother's sucking my dry while pretending to be doing something for me. 

How incredibly bizarre narcissism is.  I will never really understand how it makes its way into thiw world.  It is so self defeating and I have lived a life surrounded by people of that wretched affliction.  So thankful that you all are here and we can discuss this struggle together. - yours - GS


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Re: 6th Anniversary
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2007, 02:53:03 PM »
It is miraculous that my brothers and I are working together to get my parents situated

GS...maybe your brothers will be a source of family validation for you going forward. I hope so. That could mean that ultimately, family is a source of nurture and support for you and your son after all. Maybe that could be the brightest long-term outcome of all.

Thinking of you. I'm sorry your mother is as incapable and undermining as ever.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."