Hi Portia and Rosencrantz.
I bet in some seedy mens magazines they have cartoon characters with names like 'Clever Dick' or 'Dick Head'. I wonder what they would look like.

Yep, the imagery is happening on that one. " 'Clever Dick,' master of disguise, superhero, and all round nice guy. Always at the ready, headlong thrusting himself bravely into any tight spot in his path."

Okay, okay, keep it clean.
Anyway, back on topic. Thanks Rosencrantz for that fascinating link you shared about brain & learning styles. As a kid I used to go to sleep in some learning situations. I read a book once (I'd love a dollar for every time I start a sentence with that) about the Rudolph Steiner schools. Don't remember much about the book, but I do remember it mentioning how their system tries to incorporate varied teaching styles to meet different brain and learning types. They claimed the currrent general public education system really only caters for 1 or 2 of the types (the organisers and theorists I guess) and also concluded that this is the major reason (even before broken families) why the drop-out rate is so high and getting higher.
Once upon a time, no matter what a kids brain/learning type was, or how effective the education was, parents could force their kids to stay in school and they'd muddle through, occasionally learning something valuable, even if was only social skills, and they were off the streets. Now with all this new freedom for teenagers to drop out, the schools have to change and cater and make it more meaningful for all types otherwise the problem is only going to increase.
On reading through this page, and from what I know about how I've changed over the years, I'm inclined to think I am naturally born Innovator (right cerebral, upper right) , and because of how I've navigated through life I must have developed and built up the Theorist part too (left cerebral, upper left). Buggered if I know, but that's what I'd peg in quick take. Is that the way it would be expressed??????
So Rosencrantz, have you worked out your husband? Is he left?
I love this self-exploratory stuff. I guess it's not healty to do it all the time. I suppose it's sort of like playing with yourself. HA



Gee, I'm being naughty. I think I'll go and give myself a good spanking. Bye