Hi Mof4,
I remember feeling so naked and exposed. Seems like a natural consequence of being stripped of everything that we'd thought was solid and real. This is just a very vulnerable time for you and the only way I know to get through it is to just keep telling yourself the truth. As you said, using comforting words and reminding yourself of reality. It'll pass!
My NPD ex-husband's post-divorce stalking really accentuated this aspect of the trauma for me. It may sound silly, and I don't know whether it will apply in your situation, but here's one thing I did to help erase his impact from my consciousness...
I washed all the walls in my house and moved all the furniture.
Expending the energy this required did help to relieve alot of tension and served a dual purpose, as well.
It was pretty bad for awhile. I have this old glider-rocker - "my" chair, but he always sat in it. Well, I couldn't walk through the living room without seeing him sitting there, in my mind's eye. Just moving things around and giving the place a ferocious cleaning helped alleviate that a great deal... but then I had to force myself to sit in that chair. To pick up a good book and determine that I was going to relax in MY chair and remove those old imprints.
Replacing those old thought patterns and images with new ones is all a part of renewing the mind. Taking an active, physical role in the process helps to firm it all up, I think. Hope this helps!