Author Topic: Are we mentally ill?  (Read 17140 times)


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Are we mentally ill?
« on: July 14, 2007, 10:00:06 AM »
I have been doing some research on mental illness.  My friend, Heidi Anfinson, is in jail for killing her newborn son, but I am convinced it was post partum depression.  She is in jail but I think a lot of us live in our own jail.  We have been bullied, manipulated, abused by N and we snapped.  I purpose over the years some people like us have snapped to the point of murder.  Maybe Bundy had an N mom but rather than being like us, he snapped.  Or Jeffrey Dahmer?  I wonder if cause victims

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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2007, 10:02:51 AM »
actually have chemicals in their brain change after so much abuse and brainwashing?  Could that be why we know in our heart what we need to do to get better but we just cannot seem to wra our minds around it?

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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2007, 10:19:19 AM »
Hi Kelly
I read this the other day:
and was interested in the case of (excerpt):
"Henry Howard, a rare example of an American spree killer who had survived. His family had been about as stir crazy as it is possible to be, yet by the time I met him, he was one of the sanest people I had ever encountered, after some highly effective therapy."

I couldn't find any more info about Howard, but his story seems to me to point to someone who at the last minute does the 'right thing', in as much as he chose to murder his tormentors, rather than innocent people. Anyone got any links or info on this case?

i think some of us 'snap' for a moment and regret it almost immediately; others 'snap' and stay 'snapped' as they can't afford to acknowledge what they've done; others are insane before and after the terrible things they do

Does abuse cause chemical changes in the brain? i think there are some studies that say yes. But I don't think the heart and brain act independently, even though they might pull in different directions, they're still woven together...


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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2007, 10:19:53 AM »
Great, Great topic.  I want to think about it today and get back, Kelly                 Love  Ami
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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2007, 10:24:09 AM »

Can you explain the question a little more?  Are you asking if everyone is a little bit "off"?  Are you speaking of people on this board? 

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2007, 10:32:41 AM »
No I was reading about my friend and they kept talking about post partum psychosis and how their brain chemistry is altered.  Then I think about depression and how you cannot snap out of it like people would have you do.  And then I think about my snap out of it thread and then I realize you cannot will yourself to get better-it is a process.  Then I wonder about people like Cybil who end up with multiple personalty disorder.  Are some of up mental because of the abuse?  Some days I feel that

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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2007, 10:36:41 AM »
that way especially when I am P M S.  And I think maybe we are just a few brain cells away from being crazy?  When people go to a psych ward they are counselled.  When we go to a T we are also.  I do not think my friend is a monster but she is in jail because she snapped and made some real judgment errors.

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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2007, 10:53:19 AM »
Kells, when i have PMS I know I'm about 3 brain cells away from crazy. But 'crazy' isn't some definite state we can look at and say for sure 'crazy' or 'sane' I don't think.

what decides for us is everyone else's reactions to our actions right? If we act crazy and hurt others, we get locked up.

90% of people in prison in the UK have mental health problems. Why aren't they being treated or counselled? Because society decides it cannot afford to treat them, or does not know how to treat them successfully? Some are treated of course. Is prison about punishment, really, or is it simply about removing people from society so that they can't harm others?

Our systems aren't perfect are they? Are you upset about your friend?


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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2007, 11:10:35 AM »
gotta go but wanted to add a hug (((((((((Kelly)))))))))


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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2007, 11:34:36 AM »
Hi OC,

It only goes to show the expanse of people who are effected by one person's actions.  It sounds like you believe your friend is in jail but she does not deserve it because she was mentally ill at the time of her actions?  I'd feel upset, I think, in your shoes.  So sorry ....the law sucks sometimes, I really think.

The explanation I am drawn most to is that sanity/insanity is a sort of sliding scale where most people are not actually or always sane or insane.  In other words one is not totally sane all of the time nor completely insane either (in most cases??).

That means we all have insane moments and some longer than others.

 :shock: :shock:  It's kind of scary to think about that but it makes sense to me because there have been days!!!!  :?

The term mentally ill, imo, is simply a description of a person who has slid further along the scale toward insanity and remains there, longer than usual.  Some mental illnesses, though, are not curable so that must mean the person stays "more" insane than the rest of us, until such cure is found, or until the problem is erradicated (the problem being the cause of the mental illness and then there is the matter of treatments of it's effects).

The term "snapped" I have a problem with sometimes because I really believe, in the split second before action, when the compulsion to act is sooooo strong......a sane person makes a choice.  So where does the snapping come in?  It seems to imply a lack of control over actions and I just don't believe that to be true, a lot of the time.  People choose how to act.  They may not think about it very long, they might not consider the consequences, or the morality, or other factors about their actions, but they do indeed decide to take action.  I think most sane people do anyway.

Legally, a person can be found to not be accountable for their actions due to insanity (which is supposed to include the idea that the person has no judgement....cannot tell the difference between right and not able to process their own behaviour on a moral/sane scale (at least at the time of the offense).

So this may be what you mean by "snapped" that for that time period, your friend did not process her actions sanely......was not able to process them due to mental illness?

This is the tricky part.......

Could she have known about post-partum depression and expected to use it as a defense? (which didn't work out in her favour, as she is in jail now).
Or did she indeed move so far down on the insanity scale that she was truly not able to think rationally or judge her own behaviour?
And how can this be determined?

I think, in law, the court tries to consider the person's actions/behaviour before and after the see if they were acting sanely at those times and how much of the time as close and just after the crime as can be examined.

Does a person "snap" for a second?  Or......for a second, does the person choose to ignor all he/she knows is right and acts because he/she feels compelled to/wants to very badly?  Or is there a mental illness present that prevents the person from choosing?

A lot of questions I sure don't know the answers to but my own experiences of feeling at the brink of insanity have taught me there is a very fine line between the two and so far, I have not chosen to cross the line, although it has been tempting at times.   I must not have been mentally ill enough to have forgotten the difference between right and wrong and I know I didn't lose my ability to choose.

In cases such as Dahmer's.......I fail to see how he could be sane.  Yet, in Bundy's case, his actions by living a double life, having a family and all that....seem to indicate sanity, one might think.....?

On the lighter side, here's a test that prooves I am totally insane: (it only works if you have the sound on tho :D):




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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2007, 12:35:23 PM »
My friend was 38 and it was her first child.  I worked with her for 5 years.  She said the baby drowned in the tub and then she panicked and drove the baby up to the lake and hid its body in it.  She did lied and said the baby was kidnapped.  She also did not act appropriately while the police were interrogating her.  She is not beautiful and she smokes.  People were appalled that she was always smoking while others were running around trying to figure out what happened.  Google Heidi Anfinson.

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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2007, 12:41:37 PM »
But my point is that in a moment of mental snapping she made a decision that put her in jail for a long time.  I personally think she made a bad choice but the jury thinks she murdered her baby.  Why would an otherwise sane person do either unless they had a nervous breakdown?  And who is to say that we have been lucky enough to NOT have a complete nervous breakdown?  I notice sometimes on this board people will fall off the deep end.  We have seen people disappear-where did they go-why did

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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2007, 12:48:05 PM »
they leave?  Some have threatened suicide.  Did they do it and is that why they are gone?  Did they go commit a crime?  Why did those boys at Columbine kill all those kids?  Because they were sane?  Or did they snap after being bullied?  Were WE bullied?  Was the psychological abuse enough for some of us to not be able to deal with reality?  Is my roller coaster life due to the fact that the abuse coupled with hormones and brain chemistry why I ride a roller coaster?  All good questions!

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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2007, 01:27:48 PM »
Hi again Kell/OC,

Those are good questions.  I did google and wow!   Her lawyer didn't include post-partum depression/psychosis in her defense?  Ok...don't get me going on lawyers!!

Thing believe she made a poor choice, right?  If so, there must be consequences for that choice and maybe it's reasonable to put such a person in jail.  But 50 years?  Up here.....some drunk drivers who kill people get 2 or 3 years.  Tell me they didn't make a choice!  I don't understand the legal system sometimes.  I hope her post-conviction case brings forth the truth and does her justice.

I do think some people go crazy when they are tormented past the point of their tolerance.  I guess we all have different tolerance levels, which is another tricky thing to determine.  I bet we all have a breaking point but thankfully we don't all have to reach it.

I don't know where the people that were here went or what they did.  I do wonder sometimes too.

Sending you another  ((((((((((Kell))))))))))).  Have you stayed in contact with your friend?



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Re: Are we mentally ill?
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2007, 01:54:37 PM »
Dear Kelly,
   You seem to be a perceptive person-- Did anything   seem" off" ? How close were you?
                                                                                       Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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