Well I believe they disproved all those things but by saying them they made her out to be an evil person and that is why she is in jail. Maybe because I know her I do not believe she did anything other than cover up an accident. The case has been on several different Tv shows.
If that child was in the water for a short time and there was lake bacteria in his heart and lungs..... if she put him under those rocks because she thought he was brain damaged from lack of oxygen... if he was brain dead from lack of oxygen..... if he was dead and not breathing.... I still don't understand a mother premeditating the abandonment of her infant child. The simple act of LEAVING that child alone is unthinkable to me.
I remember seeing a gorilla mama on tv with a dead infant. She carried it around and tried to wake it up for days.... until it started to fall apart and only then did she abandon it.
Someone would have to have pried my baby from my arms, eventually, no matter what killed my baby. I'd want her safe and with me in the light and I'd grieve like a wounded animal. I woudn't sit and be calm and maybe that's not fair of me to judge this woman by any standard of feelings I might have. I'm certain it is not.
I will say this.... I'm a basket case when I'm depressed and stress like she must have been under would have driven me over the edge of calm. She was calm. She was sitting there smoking cig after cig looking at pictures while everyone around her was frantic.
WAS she frantic in her head and wishing God would just strike her dead? Was she screaming in her head, like I would have been? I would have drugged myself out of reality if I was her. Maybe thats what she was using the cigarettes for?
She did trade information...... about her baby's location.......
for a cigarette.
Or at least the promise of one.
That just speaks of cold selfish need for nicotene.... for her hands to do what they wanted to do.... for the familiar ritual of lighting and breathing in smoke and handling the cigarette. The universal actions of people under stress. Smoking.
But maybe those cigarettes were what she used to calm herself with? Maybe she was beside her self in her head, with grief and confusion and regret? Maybe.... just maybe.... she didn't put her infant in that cold water, while he was alive (brain dead or not from lack of oxygen) and weight his tiny body down with big heavy rocks she had to hunt and fetch, lift and aim and drop on his tiny form.
Holy cheese...... impossible for me to fathom doing that, much less thinking about it and carrying out that plan while dealing with the grief of losing my baby.
My husband might come home and find an insane woman sitting and rocking a dead child to her breast, humming and nurturing it until it was pried out of her hands but..... I would never abandon my baby..... couldn't hardly leave that child in a burial vault above ground where the bugs couldn't get her. I still wouldn't want her left alone in the dark and cold and wet. I couldn't get past the realization that she would be taken FROM me eventually. If I went completely beserko, bc of PPD or some breakdown.... I can only imagine myself taking my baby somewhere where I could be with her a bit longer, before they took her from me, and i never saw her again.
This is making me so so sad. I don't see how poor H can get out of her conviction. And I'm not basing it on the fact that she smoked and wasn't classically beautiful. Her lack of strange behavior leading up to bizaaro behavior and a cover story that changed and changed and changed..... and she was smart and quick and intelligent, funny and capable.
Why was she so darned stupid with changing up her story to everyone? Why not just tell the story as it was, once she got that cigarette and showed them where her baby was? Why tell different versions? Maybe she did lose her mind?
Maybe she belongs on a mental ward, not in prison?