Just to give you an update......
Yesterday, this same friend wanted to go to the Aquatic Gardens in Washington, D.C. and take her disabled Mom along. She asked if I was interested in seeing these Gardens since I've never had the opportunity before. It's a good thing I decided to join them because said friend had this "idea" of having Mom WALK all around. Her "excuse" was that she didn't want to "ruin" the wheelchair wheels because the Garden has trails instead of sidewalks. This time, I put my foot down and told her that I will NOT permit her to stress her nearly 90-yar-old mother in that manner. Nature trails are strenous enough for people who are much younger and this is not fair to subject her Mother to THAT. Her response: "But I assume......" My response: "N-O! She is NOT going to walk through all that! We are going to use the wheelchair with her!" We also soon learned that the trails are not that wheelchair accessible either. Many of the trails have a lot of gravel. As a result, the wheels of the chair sank deep into the gravel. My friend asked a park ranger if it was alright if we could have Mom wait with either a volunteer or a ranger while we looked at something a short distance away. Fortunately, the ranger said "No Problem" and we proceeded with that arrangement while Mom rested in the shade. (Many kind people often went over to hold her hand and talk to her. She got a VERY GOOD DEAL out of this!

On the way back from a Lotus Garden, while an Asian and Lotus Festival was wrapping up, a Korean lady, in full Korean garb approached me and gave me the most BEAUTIFUL paper lantern in the shape of a GIANT PINK LOTUS BLOSSOM!!! I was deeply touched as I did not expect that!!! She bowed deeply to me and thanked me and I bowed deeply back to her, gratefully thanking her for her kind and unexpected gift.
My friend's reaction?
She says, quite loudly: "Do you have anymore for ME? I WANT ONE!"
The Korean lady was already quietly walking away and ignored her. I'm looking at said friend and shaking my head in disgust. She just didn't get it about gifting and how it's rude and inappropriate to DEMAND a gift! What had been a quiet and contemplative moment was ruined with her loud demand that grated on my last nerve. Then she wanted to cram my paper lantern into a cardboard box which was too small. She got told "N-O!" on that deal as well!
I expect somewhat childish behavior from Mom because of her Alzheimer's. I was irritated at the N-ish behavior of her daughter!