Thanks TT. I'm sure tomorrow will be better.
Moon, I'm glad to give you any support possible and so glad you see the light.
CB, you're probably right about piling it all up and dealing with it at once. The only good thing about that is if I dealt with each bit separately, I might spend the rest of my days....dealing. Added together it's a lot worse than each individual trauma tho. On the other hand, it feels all added together now.
Thanks for saying I'm not a bimbo and for using the word, friend. That really felt good. I don't think one can have too many friends and I feel very grateful and want to thank you also for being my friend. It sure feels better to come here and read rather than be alone with all this and then to feel the fellowship of a friend.....thanks CB.
You too Bigalspal. For the longest time.....I couldn't watch tv.....nothing on it at all. Even the commercials made me cry. I just could not stand it. I couldn't listen to music. Same thing. I couldn't go to familiar places or or do usual activities because I'd break down. It was tough. The only thing I could do was one day I went to my sewing room (and I always used to put on music when I sewed but I had quit as described above). Well, this day I went to the radio and turned it on and quickly scanned, tuned in a jazz station (the only music handy that I was not very familiar with......didn't listen to and knew nothing about). It was so soothing and now....I love jazz. It helped me back into the real world......jazz and sewing. What a weird combination.

Janet, you must have embroidered the clearest message that that client of your hypnotherapist could not resist buying and then passing on. That is so strange but wonderful, at the same time!
Ha! Hi Hops! Just reading now and you posted the words....strange and wonderful about Janet!!

I think so too.
Well, I do feel better. I dug in my garden, which helps me work and sweat my troubles away. I do smell rather like an onion now. If it's's coming out in a big way, let me tell you!!

Thankyou all for your wonderful words of validation, encouragement, insight and suggestion/advice. I will not wake up crying tomorrow!! And you all have helped me through today, which I can't say how much I appreciate and how much it all helps. I don't like these days but at least they are happening less often than they used to. I am happy about that. I feel blessed every time one of you bothers to post to me. Thankyou.