Thankyou all for your quick and kind supportive words.
Ami, thankyou for being first to pipe up and say that I am owning my emotions. I never thought about it like that...that if I don't own them, they will own me. That makes sense to me. It helps. And also you saying I'm not alone. It helps to know I'm not the only one who feels like this sometimes (not that I wish this on anyone....just that it feels good to be understood). Thankyou again.
About forgiving myself. I think you're right. I think I do blame myself for my poor choices and I am angry at myself for not reacting the way everyone expected. I have apologized but I don't think I'm forgiven because my apologies were not even acknowledged. It happens here sometimes too and I wonder? What's wrong with my words? Why don't I choose the right ones? So ya.....I blame myself when possibly, it's not my words but others not choosing to accept them that's to blame? How am I supposed to figger it out? I don't want to make things worse, so I ignor their ignoring and I guess I'd rather take the blame. My own worst
And it's not that I don't value myself, I don't think either. I think it's because I value others and truly do not want to make false assumptions and I trust my perception, most but not all of the time. So sometimes, I just can't tell and rather than make a big fuss, I choose to be satisfied with just apologizing and leave the acceptance up to other people. But later on, I feel like I haven't done any good. I might as well have not said a word. What good does it do if nobody even says: "I hear"?
Mof4, thankyou for your soothing gifts and for expressing your understanding (which also helps me feel not so alone). I guess I don't feel worthy of touching that hem. There are others who deserve to touch it more than I do and so I feel guilty for even longing to.
I'm tired too. The way you worded your questions are what it feels like to me too.....poison ....layers coming off......deep wounds that take years .....(and I'll finish oozing). It probably does take years, in some cases. It is like poison...the pain, the traumatic memories, etc.....and it does feel like layers coming off. I just wonder how many layers does this onion have? Soon I'll just be like a naked onion (

serious joke there).
Hi Write. Thanks for posting to you too. So trauma only quietens? You think? Does that mean this will happen to me, occasionally, for the rest of my life?

Not what I want to hear or think or believe. I want it to end. Be over. Heal. Get done and be finished, at some point. I don't want to be triggered! I want the trauma to lose it's voice!!
Hey! Maybe I'll try visualizing that? Visualizing really does help me so I think I will. I'll have to think of a picture of what trauma might look like and watch it yelling it's head off until finally......nothing comes out. Maybe? Thanks......that might be the mantra I need to see/hear/imagine/believe in/take comfort from.
Write, I know this will pass. You are so right there! It's just that I'm getting sick and tired of it even starting up. I'm getting impatient. I wasn't kidding when I said I need more patience and I do pray for it. I will never have enough.
Thanks too, for saying it's not a waste of time....that my body/mind needs this. I guess you're right. I just feel like I should be doing something else. I should be over all of this by now. I shouldn't wake up crying and obsessing over stuff that happened years ago, that I can't change, nor should I be allowing myself to bask in my misery like this. Well, I gues basking isn't really the right word because I don't feel like I'm enjoying it. Maybe the right word is soak.....soak in it.
On the other hand, I know you're right. We do have to go through the pain and if it's going to take years more, I'm willing to go through get it done. I want it to be done now!! Hurry up!!!!
I believe what your psych says too. I really do believe that if we don't release our pain (which is a stress response), it will stay inside and cause illness. So I guess it's good that it does come out, even if it is annoying......even if I am impatient and want it to end. Logic tells me that I better be glad it's coming out at all. Thanks Write. And thanks for that enormous hug. Are you part bear?
Hiya Moon. Yes, thanks for your does feel like surfing waves and yep, it's a good thing to see the smooth sailing ahead. I am grateful for it and for the fact that this truly does happen less often than it used to. I am glad of that and I'm glad it happens less for you too. We are two ships passing at sea eh?
I feel like sounding a long horn blast every two minutes on days like this (which means, in ship-horn language....."we are in fog, are we on a collision course?").
Thanks for the love Moon. Sending some back to you.
Hiya Hope, thanks for your post. I believeGod is here with me and knows my suffering, so thanks for reminding me. It does feel like a emotions running fast down on a slippery grassy slope and then weak arm muscles grasping at roots and saplings and legs pushing hard into soft spaces, to pull and climb back out. I think I have fear too.....that one of these days I'll be too weak to climb out. That's when I'll have to remember your reminder again. Thanks for your prayers too.
Hi there Janet, thanks to you too. Ya, it's a process. Maybe because it's happening less often than it used to, it is gradually fading, as you said? That gives me hope that that will continue until there's not much left at all. Thanks for that Janet. Like you said (and Write)....maybe it never completely goes away? Maybe you mean it can be triggered? That I can get a grip on and not panic. I just wonder how many more days like this I will have to ....tolerate? Well, if it gets to a point where it's rare.....I'll be so glad!!

I jokingly say "It cures everything!". I do chocolate!!