Hi Hops,
She IS very poisonous! We live about 5 hrs apart, so I don't see her very much at all. The last time was our disastrous trip to Rome about 2 yrs ago.
Funny thing is, SHE calls ME at least once a month or more. It's so WEIRD! She was never one of those "Be in my life NOW", kinda NM other. It was NC on her part for years. Until the trip to Rome, which came out of the blue. Man, was THAT a disaster!
I don't get it. I must be honest with you & tell you she is MUCH nicer to me now than she ever was in the past. I think it's because after years of NC with her, I got my life back together. Somewhat. I was still walking wounded, but now I'm in a stable marriage, have a nice house & car. All the things she worships. My brothers, her somewhat "golden sons" are NOT doing so well anymore. Now, I think I"M the "good one"! It is so confusing!
Oh, don't get me wrong, she never wants to SEE me, (or her grandkids), she just wants to TALK.
I KNOW BETTER than to confront her about the past abuse. If you read my post about our trip to Rome, you know how THAT turned out!
But, the great thing is, because of this board, I don't freak out anymore!
I just say all the appropriate things & let it go at that. Like it's just a call from an AQUANTANCE, not my NMother. KWIM?? It's much better now, it really is. My husband & kids say I should go NC with her, but I kinda feel SORRY for her! I know that sounds crazy, but now that I know what she IS, It enables me not to take anything she says so personally. Plus, there is that "I want my mother's love" element going on. AND, if you've read some of my other posts, you know she stole ALOT of money from my aunt's will & SOME OF THAT WAS MINE! So, if I'm TOTALLY honest, I guess I'm hoping she'll include me in her will. She, while NOT admitting to the theft of the money, SAYS "You are doing so well now!" "I only give people money who don't ASK for it!" I've NEVER asked her for money. I know better! BESIDES, IT"S MY MONEY IN THE FIRST PLACE!! YOU STOLE IT FROM ME!!! ARRRGGHHH! Well, looks like this has turned into ANOTHER rant!
WOW! I feel much better now!
