Dear Bigals pal,
You have a big event coming-- surgery. It must be really scary, If you "slip" a little--- it is not the end of the world.You are in a marathon to find your voice--- not a sprint.
As I have gotten to know you, I am seeing several things about you and about myself.One is that we believed the lies that our N mother told us to the "core". To us, we became the "untouchables". We were the horrible ones. No matter how we protested, down deep, we believed them. Then, we go out in to everyday life and other people tell us that we are "worthless". We may protest but, down deep, we believe them.The down deep is the important part.
I can get dressed up and look like I am "together". I can act like I am "together'.In my family,it was very important how you looked. However, the down deep is still there.The down deep-- rules the other parts.
The Board helps you to deal with life. The other day, you felt shamed for writing the post about abortion. There was nothing wrong with your post. However,you thought that you were be criticized ( and you actually were not). THIS was all your private drama from your mother being played out again. The pattern of shame was repeating itself.
You did so well by not running away. You faced it and then wrote about it. Then, you could get feedback and see that it was your private drama repeating itself. The board will really help you heal if you are willing to speak your truth--- not matter how "silly". There are some people who will not like it .However,then it is an good opportunity for you to "stand strong" for your own healing. It is the same way in real life.Some people won't like us for their own reasons. The important point is that that does not make us wrong.We can not take their voice as better" than our voice. Our voice is our own to nurture and love even if other 's says that we are wrong.There will always be someone who God sends to uplift you-- here and in real life. .Our job is to uncover our precious voice. Our mother stole enough. The only wrong thing that you could do is to "run away in shame" Love Ami