Hero Member
Posts: 1190
Re: Part Lazy,Part Overwhelmed
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2007, 07:50:25 PM »
I have always been really close to both of them .My H has been trying to turn them against me since when they were little-- but it never worked until a few days ago.
My H is livid at me b/c I have gotten strong( lol ). My H is really, really angry about this..My sons have witnessed everything. When my H had the chair over my head, Golden told me that he was standing there thinking that he may have to "beat him up" . This attitude (of being abusive to me)from Golden is new .
For some reason,now, Golden has decided to try to abuse me ..He was seeing if he could be abusive to me like his father is However, it is not going to happen. I have asked him to apologize for his fresh attitude( several times) and he won't.
He is a biology major in college.He wants to go to medical school. Maybe, this is part of the 'modeling" that he is doing,with his father. My older son is halfway through a bachelors degree and he wants to go into business. He has worked his way up from the counter to a Manager in a fast food restaurant. He is working and going to school.. They are sweet people. For some reason, Golden decided that he wanted to try to abuse me
The older and I see reality. We talk about N's and other 'real issues. The younger will not face reality. The older and I talk about everything.We were just talking about betrayal in life and how it happens to everyone.
It was nice to be honest with someone who you love and who loves you.
Love Ami
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 09:16:10 PM by Ami » Report to moderator Logged
Oh ((AMI!)) How dreadful for you and your boys!
I hope you don't mind that I moved this post to it's own thread so Hops didn't lose her's?
First, I want to say a couple things about violence in the home.
Since you're trained to do therapy, you probably already know that the abuse children witness is just as damaging as if the abuse happened to them. ((Golden and Older)) Poor dears. Golden thinking he might have to beat up his daddy to save his mama:*(
If you get to the point of filing charges against your husband..... they will now include child endangerment or cruelty to children, forget which. That is just so wrong..::shaking head::
I don't know what you're going to do but..... you don't have much more time to show your boys another way of relating to women. It may be late but they're still at home and they can still witness something positive between you and their father.
I'd like to think that your sons might learn something from watching you problem solve and find resolution within the family. That would be a huge life's lesson if you could model that for them, IMO. I'm not going to tell you to get out but..... I don't want to think of you being afraid and abused, esp in front of your children.
That's completely unnacceptable and you and your children deserve to be out from under that abuse. There are laws that will help you and people who can give you advice.
What does Older say about your marriage and the abuse?