Author Topic: in my case...takes one to know one  (Read 1662 times)


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in my case...takes one to know one
« on: July 21, 2007, 11:10:45 AM »
Have you ever heard that saying "takes one to know one"?

Well, I was just sitting here thinking, remembering, how when I was with X, she did everything she could to try and convince me that she could make me leave my N-husband.  She also didn't seem to like other N's in my life.  As I was pondering this memory of her, it suddenly occurred to me...she recognized one of her own kind, most likely saw how despicable the behavior "appeared" (contrary to her false-personal that she presented to the world and wanted them to believe about her), and therefore didn't like him at all.

As I'm living with and married to an N, I watch how he talks against other N's and tells me how they think they are "really something!"  He can't stand the idea that other people have preeminence in life over him.

In his delusional fantasy, he is the little boy again, living in poverty and believing everything is going to work out eventually somehow.  He believes he married a woman that should have been like his mother...compliant, putting up with verbal abuse and poverty, and content to have no life other than housecleaning and raising children who dared not talk back to her.

In our reality, we have cockroaches crawling through our house, a house that is falling apart, very little food in our cupboards, and very stressed-out, angry children who react from that anger in different ways...eldest daughter, rebelled, got into bad sex practices and finally has settled down with her boyfriend, 17 yr old, met a boy age 15, now 16, and is planning to marry him next year, 13 year old, very much a recluse, finally going back to school (junior high) after being homeschooled by me for several years and reasons, 8 year old who plays the joker, always trying to keep everyone getting along and somewhat happy and peaceful...but often asks me "but you still love daddy right?" UGH.  A wife who is fed up and ready to bail from this mess, ready to totally divide the entire family, just to find a piece of sanity and security once again.  A wife who never was content being a house-cleaner and child-raiser ONLY.  A wife who wants and feels she deserves a LIFE, not merely a poor existence with daily heartbreak.

N's create their own realities, usually from way back in childhood, when nobody explained things to them...what a REAL father and husband act like, what a TRUE friend does for another friend...what LIFE is really all about.



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Re: in my case...takes one to know one
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 11:19:25 AM »
WOW Laura
  That gave me so, so ,so much insight. My H is the exact same way. He thinks that he can act ANY way and I have to still love, give to, nurture and be ever "there" for him. How he acts has no bearing on the fact that he has to be loved--- always. He will never get it. He thinks that I am unappreciative. He hates me b/c I do not want to spend time with him or be physically close to him
   Like you said,it is a pattern that they learned early in childhood. His M taught him that if he did well in school, he could act ANY WAY that he wanted at home. He was great outside( and still is) and awful at home. He sees nothing wrong in this.
   I am so sorry for what you are going through. The only one who could change him is God.Does he believe in God the way that you do,Laura? Mine does not
  I just wanted to say that I am very sorry that you are going through this and I understand. Was your FOO like your husband in any way? Did you have an N parent?                    Love  Ami
P.S. Just a "thought". I have him 'backed down" now. I think that ,in reality, he is really afraid of my "anger" which he sees is not going away. I will keep you posted. This is just an aside and really does not fit in to your question. I just wanted to add it.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 11:22:53 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: in my case...takes one to know one
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2007, 11:52:17 AM »
I've noticed that the "stronger" personalities in my life usually didn't "get along" together.  I used to think of them as strong personalities ::nodding::

Now that you mention it......  at one point I felt like "the last donut in the box" between my roomate, visiting sib and fiance, all living in a tiny apartmet at the same time. 

Instead of fighting each other, they batted me around as punishment for having to compete and put up with each other.  Ugh.  Actually, my fiance accused my roomate of "peeing on his toothbrush" and my sib of "hitting him.."  While I was trying to do a work project way over my head and worth a lot of money they were busy pulling me apart and acting like little children.  We were all over 30, lol.

Years later, my old roomate admitted she was jealouse and treating me cruely.  I forgave her and appreciated having that terrible time validated.


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Re: in my case...takes one to know one
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2007, 11:55:56 AM »

About how you feel about your life.... you're children aren't little anymore. 

If you feel you would be healthier and happier working outside the home and raising your children away from the anger between you and your N, I think your children might actually benefit from that distance from him.

Right now you're modeling behavior they're learning from.  Just like learned his behavior from what was modeled for him. 

You can model something better for them, even if it doesn't include a man any time real soon, KWIM? 

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Re: in my case...takes one to know one
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2007, 01:04:33 PM »
This makes sense......but in fact, my nmom doesn't like ANYONE who is a friend of mine.  It is almost like she wants me and my family exclusively.

I asked her, "Mom?  Who do you and dad like to hang out with?  Do you have any girlfriends that you can call and just chat with?"  She thought a minute and told me she really had no real friends, that she considered her family her friends.

And I got to thinking......that is correct.  For so long we would all go to the same church and not REALLY know anyone.  After church we could go out to eat - the one else.  Unless someone was invited to be a part of our family..............we were never a part of anyone elses world.

I lived here for over 20 years before I got a friend in this town that I could call on the phone and chat..


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Re: in my case...takes one to know one
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2007, 02:32:34 PM »

The cockroaches are just adding insult to the injury.
I hate them too. I'm so sorry you're having to cope in these circumstances.
You mentioned the food bank earlier too.

I want your husband to wake up and help! A concession stand isn't doing it.
Sounds like the older kids are getting married to escape...

And the poor little one. Of course she picks up on the tension and is always prefer the familiar even when it's toxic.

I am so sorry for you and for them. You deserve better.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: in my case...takes one to know one
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2007, 05:59:38 PM »
Hops,  GOOD 17 yr old told me she did NOT propose marriage to the boy.  They are waiting and he will propose to her on her birthday...although it is coming up in August.  Oh well..she will be 18 and a legal adult.  AT that point, not much I can do.

I appreciate your comments and advice and care...and all the rest of you too...




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Re: in my case...takes one to know one
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2007, 12:53:26 AM »
Have you ever read, The Glass House (?author)   .  What you wrote reminded me so much of that story.  It's a good book if you cared to pick it up, told from the point of view of the child of two narcissists.  It might be of particular interest.