To Dawning
Yeah you can use the love cat thing as a bumpersticker,enjoy....
I'm one of these anti profit types. For me I am aware don't own anything..I come into life with nuthin,I leave with nuthin..a hurricane could destroy everything.I'ts more important to share what you have then take what you want.
as for the sit thing when they look at me weird I just pop one of those zits and ask 'em if they wanna lick..(ewww) If you are gonna offend 'em, anyway ,Why not offend'em in a memorable way ?*giggle*
You said you are a translator How cool! what languages if I may ask? It's weird sometimes when I flip through channels on TV and I pass by the hispanic stations that are broadcasted in spanish I siometimes know what they are saying~never took any spanish lessons tho.I don't get it,the brain is a strange thing sometimes.
To CG :
Getting pireced isn't so bad, I have pierced other folks noses and ears for them .I do it so fast and all the person is shocked to find it's done so quick.There are techiques of distraction one can use for the nervous types.
As for my peirces The nose was done it wasen't bad at all.Not as painful as I expected at all..However it made a strage noise when the post went through cartalige. My brow,I did by myself..the hardest part there was inserting the nobium ring in a mirror becasuse of the reversing effect mirrors have lining the ring up through the second hole was a pain in the arse!
As for a navel pierces , they can get infected easy because of the rubbing from the movement of your pants waist tugging at the jewelry. Most professional piercers use very sharp hollow needles.Have you ever en cut by something very sharp and did't realize it until you saw blood? Often people who get pierced discribe it like this,also whenever you modify yourself the nerves get overwhelmed and give up like with tattoos.At first it stings,but then your brain shuts off the pain signal once it realizes you are not in danger.The nerves are flooded and so the site just goes numb-like.
To Guest:
were you born a hermaphrodite?
No. I was born female as far as I know.I was in an incubator for a month in the 60's parents couldn't hold thier preemee babies.,and my mom was unconsious when I was born,so who knows what happened to me in my first month.
Yes I identify as neither male nor female. Think about it..if you get down to it gender (what sex-role-image-ect) you identify as is an invention,an imposed thing upon a baby ,a cultural mindgame adults play.Some men like wearing dresses.Some women are amazons. Alot of tribal peoples have people switching around gender identities.It's not new.For me I prefer not to be "locked in" to male or femaleness. I feel limited by a binary gender,If I am to be totally honest in my own heart I must say I am both and neither gender. I know some folks have trouble getting thier head around the concept . I don't know what to say to you.I wish you could meet me than it might answer your question with experinces.
These links might help you,click around especially on the first one. read some of your posts "Underground". You seem to be very angry to me. What has caused so much anger in you?
Was there a Narcissist person or parent in your life?
Yes my mom and my father.
He was a drunk violent, abusive creep.He raped me when I was 7 While my mom was away getting an emergency hysterectomy.(why I have no clue) An abulance took her.I remember her leaving with a towel between her legs she was bleeding so bad. Since she almost died when I was born( she had a really fascinating near death experince btw) So maybe something got damaged in her body. Imaging the body was pretty primitive in the 70's compared to the MRI and PET scans of today.Anyway she's ok now..she's 74 and gets around like a 50 year old does. We have healed alot in our relationship.She has been in therapy.I must say I am proud of how much she has changed.
My father he was a mean son-of -a- bitch. But I also know he was messed up in the head too. I don't excuse him for what he did to ruin my families lives and destroy my life,but now I can say he was a totally broken,basically fucked up person inside so what can you expect from someone like this? He was miserable.Nuts. His father was an assholetoo and there was weird sexual perversions going on in his house.His mom basically cursed him on her deathbead when he was just an 8 year old boy..That's gotta hurt. My father idolized his mom too. I realize he was torn down too.I pity him like you would feel sad for the sufferings of a rabid dog it's not the dog's fault he's got rabies,but you still have to kill him to protect people from him. Likewise I have no love for my father,but I can extend compassion and I do admire his few good qualities... I am sad that the good parts that were inside him,like the knowlege of herbs and woodwork,his amazing talents and those few fun times we had were overshadowed so fully by his assholiness and abusiveness. I wish it was all different. But it wasnt. I take the good and never excuse the bad.
He was military. And I was by proxy. I was messed with,tested,ect. at Aberdeen.I saw and experinced some things hat could only fit into an x files context,problem was it was real.
I don't share this with shrinks because they assume alot and don't listen to what I am saying,they get caught up in the popular assumptions about paranoia and conspirasy..Sometimes people would try to kill my father. His truck was blown up once.I got photos of the aftermath ,it was totally gutted out.Only a bomb could do that.Nobody at the scene had time to be bothered with a kid with a pocket camera ..My father was affected by all that militrary shit so the family was too.He died holding alot of secrets that corroded his soul from the inside out.And I know part of what made him crazy was the military..They would test shit on him like knockout drugs ,stuff they put into shells made him sick(he was a gunner &modelmaker) and they did otherstuff. So it isn't just that he was an asshole he was provoked used and abused too. He still is accountable for what he did to me and I make no excuses, for him. I can say I understand him a little bit tho. His life was as horrid as mine is .He was half Indian so he got shit for that too..He verbally abused mom.He never hit her and that was a good thing.So I guess on some level mom and my father relationship broke their habitual chain of familial abuse a little bit.
But my father put the abuse he faced back into me.He hit me he was verbally cruel he was a cowardly,cruel and capricious tyrant in our house.I could always escape him by climbing up trees..running to the woods. I was very acrobatic.I spent ALOT of time of my childhood in the woods. I was in the house in wintertime when it got too cold and to sleep or eat. I'd eat the wild rasperries and other edible fruits,rather than go home.
My mom she grew up in an abusive home too.My grandma was beat senseless every week by her drunk husband. Mom heard it all huddled upstiars with her brothers and sisters.For years.
Mom had me among other reasons to relive her colitis. (she put that on a psych hospital admission form when it asked was the pregnancy planned)
If that isn't narcissism I dunno what is.
The neighbor next to my house .Bruce Ekenrode was a pedophile,He abused me for a few years.He used alot of christian apocolypse imagry during these abusive times as he was a preacher of some sort. He had bible classes at his house,he had a filmstrip projector and a file cabinet of tracts and propaganda.What happened to me looks like "satanic ritual abuse" but it in fact was christian.His wife Leah was in on it. I got mixed up with this asshole because his son,Billy was my only freind and he was a good freind too.We'd play hide and seek,play in the sandbox with matchbox cars,collect action figures,pretend ...The rest of the nieghborhood kids were a bully gang. So Billy and I stuck together because we were the hated outcasts.Eckenrode was also a fun guy too.And this is the sickest cruelest part.He was nicer than my father ever was.He was FUN too. But he turned on and off his kindness like a faucet.He used this love/hate thinglike a master manipulator on me.He was a betrayer. Before Eckenrode anyone who didn't hate me was good,but even kindness stopped being a good thing in my life after Eckenrode.He'd threaten to kill my pets,(I had a zoo growing up..doves,chickens,rabbits,cats, dogs,birds,reptiles, fish,even a flying squirrel and a racooon and they were all my real family my emotional support system.)
Eckenrode said he'd kill them all if I told anyone what he was doing to me.. He'd discribe torturing my cats, demonstrating what he'd do to him with this cute brass cat face ashtray he had. Later I stole that ashtray from him when they were taking out a couch by slipping it under a cushion as I was barred from his house but that day my parents were in there because Eckenrode was moving away....I have it today.And noone is permitted to put burning cigarettes or knives or anything in it's eyes.I have pretty little quartz crystal points,dragon's blood resin, myrrh and frakencese tears in it now. Sometimed eckenrode would give me money too to shut me up.I had a nice wad of cash hidden away.Muy mom found out because my cousin saw the money and asked how I got it,I told her how and she told my mom. My father asked my mom what was wrong with ME when he heard what was going on (I overheard the whole conversation)
Mom didn't do much to "out" eckenrode other than tell me never to go inside eckenrodes house again,because she knew Billy was my only human freind and she worried how I'd fare with no freinds in a hostile neighborhood and a hostile school.. Little did she know the abuse simply changed locales.After this bastard left the neighborhood he moved to St.Petersburg Florida. While I was away at the mental told me these cops came around asking for eckenrode he was wanted for some kind of crime..Years later after I had gotten away from all the abuse in my life(including OUT of the psych systems control games) and had healed a little I got up the guts to call the police,about my past.Because it occured before 1976, and the statute of limitations got in the way of me ever seeing justice.
I hope this creep and his wife are not abusing any more kids. I hope they are both dead.
This is only a part of why I am so angry.
*I too love cats, but I don't want to be one. I'm also curious as to why you'd like to be a feline and go to the trouble of having surgeries to do this
Because I can.
Because I have a feline soul
Because I think cats are beautiful and I want to be beautiful.
I don't care what anyone else defines as beautiful for me because it isn't thier call to make. Beauty it is in the eyes of the beholder. So if the beholder is who counts and it is me beholding my body that I (we)alone live in. Being a cat is the most wonderful gift I can give to myself.I respect cats,I seek to emulate them ,they are my riole models,companions and my spiritual guides. Self love when you finally realize you are capable of it, comes in many forms not just bubble baths and a new set of clothes and a nice haircut or a massage.
Because I don't identify with humans.
Humans destroy beauty and love to get something they want..Humans will crush others who don't fight especially if the other is different than they are or are different than they themselves would want them to be or if they don't understand them,and they don't want to understand them sometimes they just want the other to be cast into oblivion.. They take what they want from others as if they are entitled to it,they assume.They get caught up in thier own bullshit games and say it's TRUE (tm) and somertimes if people don't accept iTHE TRUTH (tm),they'll make them believe it even by brute force combined with kindness until the person breaks down. Humans invented stupid shit like the right of kings,colonialism ,war ,profit ,slavery and top down hierarchical social structures.
Humans lie,humans take all that creative power inside them and pervert it,they make each other psychologically sick for want of control and stability in control.They will hurt each other for profit or prestige. THey take that blzing intellect and turn it into tools of manipulation,opression and abuse. They usethier opposable thumbs to wage war on thier own kind and kill the world with it more than create beauty or health or anything good. Humans don't know how to share.They will not share even if it threatens to destroy them and the very things they hoard.. Humans try to remold everything they see into themself ,a wonderful forest becomes a dead monoculture"suburb".Humans have an effects,like a cancer cell in a body..and I don't identify with that.
Humans hate wild unpredictable uncontrollable nature so much they invented lawns and lawnmowers. Humans go to jobs they hae to earn money to pay for what grows from the Earth for free.Work is an abomination as it is forced upon us today.Humans invented consumerism and advertizing.
Humans fail to control thier own reproduction they have kids for selfish reasons.
The majority of humans are greedy selfish scheming,ugly hairless apes with ugly hearts.
I don't identify with that.
Sadly that kind of crap is what the magjority of humans I meet are about.
A few people however are not like that at all.And usually these people are the walking wounded,the "insane" the artists,the outcasts,the'weak',the abused, the spiritual(notice I didn't say religious) the scapegoats,animal lovers,"liberals" ,anarchists,artists of all kinds, and deep thinkers and creative souls so stifled who cry out... Why! Why!! Some are snuffed out.And this is so unjust it makes me roar at the walls.
The hurt cry knowing deep down life never had to be like this..humanity can do better than this but it refuses to and would rather pretend and deny it..Most of humanity is psychologically sick and/or evil and self decieving ,Hell therapists can't even DEFINE to me what SANITY symptoms might be.Shrinks always define Sanity in the narrow context of how well one is coping with the insane demands of surviving in this sick society.This same society that they think is sane even when addictions,self-hate,war,abuse, suicide and unhappiness are everywhere as it destryes everything it touches..Society doesent look sane at all to me...And every society is the sum of the individuals who make it.Sadly our society emulates it's socioathic "leaders" and con man business types too much.
I'm tired of humans acting like two legged bullshit.
I'm NOT letting myself be two legged bullshit.
I want to be free .I want to share myself with anyone who wants what I have to offer,to explore,and appreciate what others want to share with me without interference from people looking to control profit from,,twist,use,manipulateor vampyrize the relationship. Life should be an interactive adventure.I want to speak ,relate and create without someone else's insecure quivering ego getting in the way of my hasppiness or thiers.. I hate working around egos that when threatened get offended,competitive,abusive or try to merge themself into mine.I want to relate to others as they are,as they say they are, as unique,different, autonomous soverign equals.It's negotiation and empathy I want not competition and get all you can take.I go straight for the heart. To access others hearts,I offer up mine first fearlessly flaws and all,because I am not ashamed I make mistakes I have regrets,I can be a stupid asshole sometimes.Oh well.Either take it or leave it I am what I am..If you trample my heart,I don't have to take it personallly,I realize you have made your choice.You are not worthy to be trusted.Trust is always earned and it can appear as quickly as is is gone.I don't have to be a jerk about not trusting a person. Relating to people for me is really that stark and simple and it is assesd on a real time basis,and on a past pattern basis..It's my judgement call to say yes or no to anything offered.And I think EVERYONE has the right to do this judgement in all relationships. One way I judge is to look at thequalities of "fruits "in what people do and say to me and others.I won't take anyones rotten fruits out thier heart and say they are nourishing ... whether anyone agrees with my assesments of it or not I don't care.. Because I don't live lies.
Cats understand this, people don't want to..
So I am feline. And yes I am damn angry ..Especially when I see theemotional wasteland so many people have become.A waste of unique potentials for working such wonders ,creations, and love,sanity and greatness that can come from in what people do when thier motives are sane. A person is cut down,controlledenslaved,imprinted,cocerced, and conditioned, basically made insane,servile, or evil,before they can even begin to understand who they are,what they want to be, or what they feel or think about thiemself or thier life for themselves.Because the first thing stripped from a child is thier true voice.And this makes me furious. Cats don't do that to thier own young.
I think it would make any person with a loving heart mad as hell.