Author Topic: About Lighter  (Read 7975 times)


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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #30 on: July 27, 2007, 09:31:34 PM »
That is soooo frustrating.  I don't know that I can allow that to keep going on.  I tell people what's going on and we have to do everything the hard way?  On my dime?  Over and over and over again?  I just don't think that has to continue..... or does it? 

My N's had a rude awakening this week.  I think it just makes him change gears.  He doesn't change direction or intent.  Very sad when children are involved.


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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2007, 11:54:11 PM »
I visualize Amazon charioteer...
these obstacles he's throwing are just clods of mud from the track...nothing will stop you...your horses are fairness, safety and survival for yourself and your children, and you have a TEAM.

I am sickened at the way good women, good mothers, good people like you and CB are manipulated by Nmen and a system slooooow to call their bluff. But I think it's like the tortoise and the hare. He's running around being the dazzling rabbit. Meanwhile, you keep showing up.

I hope there's a chance HE can get stuck with your attorney's fees...if there's justice.

love to you, and much respect,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #32 on: July 28, 2007, 06:49:33 AM »

Have not been posting/reading too much these days but just read this post.  I wish you strength and strength and strength.  I have always found you to be smart, supportive and clear. I am grateful for that.  I want to be supportive to you now in this difficult time. 

Wishing you everything good,



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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #33 on: July 28, 2007, 08:20:32 AM »
Thanks CB, Hops Axa and everyone else who's been posting support for Mrs. Toad's wild chariot ride, lol. 

:::Picking up Axa's strength... going to make coffee::


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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #34 on: July 28, 2007, 09:43:39 AM »
Dear Lighter,
   I am thinking of you and praying for you. You post when and if it feels right to you. You ,obviously, need to take a break from the board . Maybe, you need to pull your emotional resources inside you.Maybe,it is a drain to your psyche rather than a refreshing , at this point in time.
    I will look forward to hearing from you when you are ready                                Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Certain Hope

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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #35 on: July 28, 2007, 09:54:45 AM »
Dear Lighter,

It is exactly all of N's tail-chasing (referring to his own tail :P) which is going to show the court his real intent.
All of this maddening behavior of his is going to trickle down to the level of the bench to give the judge an eye-opener... and he/she will not be so appreciative of the aNtics.
Never was it more true than in the case of N... give him enough rope and he WILL hang himself.

Praying here that God will be your strength and your shield.



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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2007, 11:41:10 AM »
Dear Lighter,

You post when and if it feels right to you.

You ,obviously, need to take a break from the board . Maybe, you need to pull your emotional resources inside you.

Maybe,it is a drain to your psyche rather than a refreshing , at this point in time.
Love  Ami

I don't need to pull back from the board, Ami.  My children are home and I'm enjoying catching up with them.  I'm also preparing for the next phase of my legal battle. 

After a stagnant period, where I really relied on the fellowship of this board, I have direction and lots of work to do.  Part of this direction came from posting so much ON this board, lol. 

This is a good thing but I don't have time to post like that right now.

What I'm pulling back from, are posts that involve remaining in relationships with N's.

You're still a very new poster and you may decide to leave your N. 

You may not. 

That's logical and perfectly acceptable, no matter how you slice it.  ::shrug::

However, from where I sit, it hurts my stomach and makes me feel badly to see you do that so I stop responding rather than post the negative feelings it may bring up for me. 

Feelings aren't right or wrong, they just are.

I don't want to transfer my agression to you, or anyone else in your very serious situation. 

This agression, isn't meant for you. 
Yup yup yup, just like Jack Sparrow said to the nice little smithy in Pirates.  It's meant for my N, and innocent bystanders don't need to catch any.

You have enough on your plate, as is, Ami. 

Unfortunately, I know I don't have the emotioanl resources right now to keep my responses in check, so I pull back and do no harm.

I would regret it and it wouldn't help anyone, including myself. 

This is my stuff, not your stuff Ami. 

We all walk our paths our own way.

Peace to you and your sons. 


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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2007, 12:24:05 PM »
Dear Lighter,

It is exactly all of N's tail-chasing (referring to his own tail :P) which is going to show the court his real intent.
All of this maddening behavior of his is going to trickle down to the level of the bench to give the judge an eye-opener... and he/she will not be so appreciative of the aNtics.
Never was it more true than in the case of N... give him enough rope and he WILL hang himself.

Praying here that God will be your strength and your shield.




I like that. 

Let's just hope this Judge continues to find domestic abuse unnacetable. 

N has painted himself into a corner and has to face the consequences for manufacturing evidence, lying, cheating, harming me physically then listen to his taped confessions about it all.  He'll have felony charges soon.  It's unchartered territory for me.  I'm not sure how to feel abou it. 

He'll be playing Defense, instead of Offense. 

I was supposed to crumple and fold long before this happened to him. 

TO him.  ::sigh::

He's lit himself on fire and I couldn't put him out no matter how many times my hope  had me try. 

He wouldn't allow it.   

Now it's my turn with the Lighter. 

(figurative, of course) 

And I only use it to shine light on his actions, not to hurt him, though it surely will be viewed that way by some.

His family.


What about the Judge and N's attorney? 

Hard to say, really.   

To protect me and my children,  I shine the light. 

I ask for the logical consequences. 

I do it in self defense only.   

That leaves me feeling pretty blurry, actually.

 Is it being in the orbit of people who's realities are distorted through N's filters? 

Would I do the same for my children?

Maybe I'm a bit bleary over the release of pressure? 


Like rising up off the ocean floor and finding myself on the surface?

It's certainly disturbing to know his family would harm the girls in order to protect him. 

That they would harm me, is one thing, but our children?


Now I feel Lighter.

I will not make the mistake of gloating, though I  feel that N has taken plenty of rope and hung himself. 

In more ways than one. 

Sure, some of his threats are real. 

But not all of them. 

Time to stop fearing and be mindful of every decision I make. 

As long as this Judge continues to find domestic abuse unacceptable, I think our children and I have a chance of being protected in the court, to the extent the court can help. 

It's something.


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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #38 on: July 28, 2007, 04:58:23 PM »
No guilt, Lighter.
You are holding someone accountable who NEEDS to be held accountable.
And through your determination your children will learn the distinction between bullying and bravery.

I am glad you are pressing charges and though spurts of vengeful feelings may happen in your brain (you're human, you know) that does not mean it is wrong for him to be held legally accountable for what he's done.

Our legal system is a blunt instrument that too often lets the guilty skate and the innocent languish. Should all the cylinders move as they should for once, any time locked up is time he can make choices about. He can use it to ponder, or he can waste it.

Either way, it is his karmic hole, and nobody else was holding the shovel.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2007, 05:11:56 PM »
Thank you, Ligher,
  I hear the what you are saying to me. It is very wise on your part .                Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #40 on: July 28, 2007, 11:10:17 PM »
It is a karmic hole.... isn't it, Hops?

Ami:  thanks for understanding.


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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #41 on: July 31, 2007, 03:01:48 PM »

Thank you for all of your wonderful advise. Let me know if I can help.



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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #42 on: July 31, 2007, 04:49:14 PM »
So tired today.

I enjoyed reading every post on this thread......

Again; )

Thanks for the links and the support and the insights and experience and lights shining in this darkness with mine.

Thanks KM for the cool Lighter art.... thingy..... that took time and it made me feel better.

So tired today.... not sure what it is. 

The crash after all the waiting and then having an answer in court, finally?

Not sure but....

Thanks again to you sweet (Lup) for caring enough to start a thread for me. 

Certain Hope

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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #43 on: July 31, 2007, 05:14:07 PM »
Dear Lighter,

I get those after-conflict crashes... even when the conflict is just within my own thoughts  :shock:

Maybe they function like those power strip/surge protectors... preventing us from overloading and blowing out the whole fusebox  :)

A reset switch would be real handy at times.

Hope you can rest.



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Re: About Lighter
« Reply #44 on: July 31, 2007, 07:45:05 PM »
I came home and crashed earlier today  but my mom stopped by to support and chat me up, lol. 

I have a need to hibernate and recover after lots of contact or stressful events. 

She's not aware of this.... I haven't told her all that.

What I told her was that I needed her support and she's been trying very hard. 

Cost me my nap cause I didn't want to thwart her effort, again.

I have to work on being honest and doing it gently and with kindness. 

So hard to ask for what I need.

I hurt her feelings a few days ago and she huffed out and left me feeling badly. 

I handled the feelings though and held my ground. 

I had to. 

I just didn't have it in me to DO what she wanted me to do which was pay attention to N ploy that was worrying her. 

I have blinders to them most of the time and try to help others understand why I do what I do.

I'm focused but it still hurts to see others confused and thinking I'm off base.

This has to do with spinning wheels on a deal that won't ever happen...... like CB's going through.

In the end I phoned mom and apologized for upsetting her but not for asking her to stop doing what was bugging me.  She understood after my update and let me know this is all confusing for her too.  She's learning and when she learns something,  she learns it well.

She'll be one of my staunchest supporters in that area now.  It's just work, all this communicating, lol; )