Author Topic: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter  (Read 11728 times)


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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #30 on: July 28, 2007, 03:39:32 PM »

I feel that the name of your baby and the anguish over your mother's interference is just the tip of the iceberg, here. Your posts are getting more and more revealing (we all tend to do that, her, when we start - I don't think it's deliberate!).

Your mother has NPD, definitely. She'll never be the mother you deserve, and you'll need to grieve for that, because it's not going to change.

I've had No Contact with my NMum for 13 years. She 'suggested' I went to family therapy to 'learn how to get on with the famiily better' (that's what she thought family therapy meant). It sounds like your mother treats you the same're at fault, all the time. If only you'd change, do what she wants, bend over backwards just a LITTLE bit more...

If only, if only...

It's not going to work. IMO, no contact from now on is the only way to go. Otherwise, she'll poison your life, and that of your daughter, and neither of you need that, or deserve it.

Even if you changed your daughter's name to Mary now (even if you'd named her Mary FROM BIRTH, IMO) she'll still never be happy. She'd think of something else for you to be wrong over.

I'm sorry this is so negative, but you've got time to protect your daughter from having such a dangerous person in her life.



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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #31 on: July 28, 2007, 04:42:09 PM »
Dear Friend,
   Keep talking about where you are. It is all valid and it is all important .We have been there. You are correct in calling it--- mourning. I also, sometimes think that it was easier to be in denial, but it really is not
It just hurts so, very, very much, You don't want to hurt. The problem is that you have stuffed and absorbed years and years of bad treatment from her and you DO hurt. Just let us help you go through it. Just keep feeling the pain and betrayal. It will end at some point and you will feel "clean" inside. It takes time b/c there is so much pain to dispel. Also, you have taken in ,many false ideas about yourself. You will let these go--- in time.t   I am so glad that you are here.                                         Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #32 on: July 28, 2007, 08:43:09 PM »
Well, thanks everyone for welcoming me here.  It feels so liberating to have a VOICE for a change.  ITs bittersweet to learn my mother has NPD b/c a part of me still hopes and wishes that perhaps she can still be fixed...with just a little bit more love, compassion, understanding on my part.  I STILL LOVE HER - warts and all....and i have told her so....she told me to "shut up and stop being so high and mighty"

So i need to get to a point where i am no longer REACTING to her shite!  Everything i do is either a reaction or complete opposite to what she would do. I wish i knew what I WANT....i feel like i'm being deprogrammed.


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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #33 on: July 28, 2007, 09:00:01 PM »
Dear Jac,
  You WERE programed or "brainwashed", Facing what is true about you( that you are worthwhile and lovable) is the deprogramming.. You will replace the lies with the truth as you start to heal       Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #34 on: July 29, 2007, 05:56:20 AM »
My God Jackie, is your mother my mother's long lost sister.  Every example you give I can come up with one the same..  Stand firm hon.  Just one thing though..  If you do pour out your soul to her be prepared..  I tried that with my mum.  I had been in therapy a while and learned all about projection and I decided that all the crap she had been dumping on me for years was hers and I was going to give it her back..  She had come to visit for a month and she stayed a grand total of 16 hours..  She turned into Medusa and started really abusing me.. came out with all the demon possesed stuff.. You know the score.  What it did do for me though was it laid a boundary that had never been there before.  I don't think she picked up on it but it changed the way I was and eventually she has had to pick it up...  She said to me last year.. 'the problem with you is that I used to just raise my little finger and you did what I wanted..  now you don't'  For her that was a major problem..  For me it was liberation..  Not total liberation as I guess that will take years.. but enough to stand my ground...  Just remember you will never get the reaction you crave...

Keep stong because you are absolutely right when you say she is the crazy one.  It sounds like hanging around here is really helping you to look at the reality of the situation.  Stay with us..  We are watching your back..


Spyralle x


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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #35 on: July 29, 2007, 06:01:28 AM »

You wrote:
 "I STILL LOVE HER - warts and all....and i have told her so....she told me to "shut up and stop being so high and mighty"  "

Who throws affection back like that? Would you take this kind of rubbish from anyone else? From a partner? From another relative, even?

That's the trap, IMO. Society (and the N, of course) trains us (especially women) to ALWAYS put mothers on a pedestal and allow them to get away with behaving atrociously. But it's your personality, and health, and mind, that suffers for it.

And it 's NOT FAIR!! You deserve so much more than being treated like a doormat.

Normal people do not respond to being told that someone loves them, on that way.

Spyralle - I've just seen your post as I was typing this. I think all our mothers were triplets! :D When you put that your mother said recently "'the problem with you is that I used to just raise my little finger and you did what I wanted..  now you don't'  For her that was a major problem..  For me it was liberation..  " that reminded me of when I put on weight back to a normal level after 12 years of anorexia, and she reacted by saying 'I used to like you better when you were thin - I could control you better, then.'

Aren't they predictable?? :shock:



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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #36 on: July 29, 2007, 09:32:25 AM »
Oh my God Janet we need a let's compare mothers post I think...  i have heaps to say on the whole reason I have total eating issues...

Spyralle x


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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #37 on: July 29, 2007, 09:43:43 AM »
J:  There obviously is more to this story.  Your mom was not talking to you BEFORE this episode.  While you were P G?  You see, what this says to me is she will always have issues with you despite the circumstances.  What was her deal prior to the naming fight?  N people have to be the center of attention.  You were getting too much attention being pregnant with a girl and then almost dying!  Everyone must have been concerned about YOU not her!  It makes me mad for you!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #38 on: July 29, 2007, 09:59:26 AM »
Hey Jac:

You really seem to know where you're going with all this.

Now you have to stay focused and work on nurturing yourself.  

Nurturing your new baby and your husband.  

Does he support and understand you?

Research all the develpmental phases your baby will be going thorugh so you know whats normal..... so you know not to label your child 'bad'.... if she's doing it, it's most certainly going to be normal.

You will gently guide and teach her to do better by giving/modeling behaviors for her.  

How do you want her to speak to you?  Loud and blaming?  Calm.... with humor?  She'll speak to you the way she's spoken to.

If you're racing around the house out of control, your child will be out of control.  For whatever reason you aren't controlled....  

Please do seek a psychotherapist, be choosey and get one you trust and who is trustworthy.  

When you were a child you were a victim.  You had no choice.  Now, you're a grown woman and all the choices are yours.  

Lighter prhase of the day....."no victims, only volunteers" and you are responsible for giving your trust ONLY to those who are wothy.  From here on out.  Your mother's not worthy.  You know that now.  She won't be trustworthy with your child either.

Giving up the hope that mother will love you is awful.  I see you've started to do that.  Finishing it requires, IMO, wailing and mourning and crying loudly like a wounded animal..... get it all out.... just like you feel like doing.  


Once you've done that,as long and often as it takes..... it stops tapping you on the shoulder like a ghost.  

All that NEEDS to come out and it will continue to come out in all sorts of ways that keep you sad..... living with anxiety..... until you let it out and explore it.

The good news is..... all that pain isn't going to stay.....

 or be for nothing.  

It gets better. ::nodding::

You'll grow through it and realize you are really and truly glad to be alive again.

In the meantime...... enjoy that baby girl.  I get shivers remembering the quiet comfort of our changing ritual and bedtime ritual and breast feeding ritual....  THE most amazing time of my life and I'm having a hard time moving past baby phase.

I envy you the joy you have before you.  

Please remember to take time every day and experience the moment you're in.  Look at her little face and remember that this time will be gone before you know it.  

Gone... puff!  

You'll have a hard time remembering the details.  Write them down.  Journal moments.  Good moments, scary moments, light bulb going off moments, lessons on everything that worked from gas meds and diaper rash cream and how you figured ot how to solve these problems bc one day.... she'll ask you for your advice and support.  You'll pull out that little journal and be amazed at all the things you once knew about babies, lol.  

No one will ever know her better than you.  Stand tall with her doctors and be heard.  Don't let them marginalize you jac andI'll look forward to seeing you grow on the board ((())))


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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2007, 10:58:26 AM »
We had (and still have) problems like this...  Names, etc...

There is only one problem: Your mother. 

Don't change any name or anything.  Don't ask anything to your
mother.  Don't expect ANYTHING from her.

She is trying to GET your daughter as HERS.  She would just play
with her as she is `playing' with you.  Your daughter deserves better:
she deserves YOU.  Protect your daughter: minimize contacts with
your mother (both for you and your whole family).  Don't even speak about
names with your mother.  Don't let her babysit, etc... if you can.  Take
all the guilt/stress/bad feelings you have, put them in an imaginary
ball and leave it with your mother.  Her problem.  Love your husband,
your children.  Take time for yourselves and keep it precious (don't
give your memories to her).  Live YOUR life.  Go and see a specialist to
help you.  As soon as you can and you are ready.

Do this for your children, your husband, and for you. 

You are neither the cause or the solution of your mother's problems.
She shouldn't be or try to be the center of this time of your life.
Put her aside.  Now.

Congratulations !  I am sure you have wonderful children, all of them.



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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2007, 12:52:40 PM »
Thanks everyone!

The reason my mother and I didn't speak for 18 months was b/c of a big argument we had where i finally told her what i thought about her kind of "mothering".   The year before I had named our son in honor of my grandfather (HER father) but she dissed everyone at the Christening and never showed up over some trivial comment i had made which she twisted into something ugly.  She ignored me for 2 months - even when i fell ill and couldn't take care of my NB.  So i had to have my MIL (out of state) come and extend her visit for a month while my MIL (not my mother who lived 10 min away) nursed me back to health.  My own mother ignored my calls and never once asked about me or the baby. I cried several times to my MIL and my DH was so upset, he went over to my mother to tear a strip off of her - but in true N fashion, my mother pretended she was not home.

Even though I knew i was right and my mother was wrong, my sister begged me to "do whatever it takes to make the peace" b/c my grandmother was visiting for only a short time and my mother had cut off my sister too b/c she dared to defend me against my mother's actions.  "Grandma is only here for a few more weeks. PLLEEEAAASE, just suck up your pride Jackie and tell mom whatever just so this whole thing blows over".

Mistake #1:   I did.  I apologized to my mother and took full responsibility for everything just so she would let me see my grandmother.  I was seething inside but i loved my grandmother more.  This led to a fragile truce which lasted for several months.  Looking back I should have nipped this in the bud and told her the behaviour was unacceptable and established boundaries. But no. I let things slide...which reinforced her sick way of thinking and made her even more brazen in the future.

Then, the unthinkable happened.  My father (whom she divorced when i was 7 and badmouthed my entire life) decided to give me and my sister our inheritance early, so we could pay off our houses, bills etc while we are still young.  My father's father died at only 55 and my dad (now 57) was starting to have health issues and was sure his number was coming up and wanted to do this for us and let us enjoy life with him for the few years he has left.  It was also a conscience purge for him b/c he was not there for us growing up and paid only the bare minimum of child support while we were young.

Mistake #2:    I thought long and hard about accepting this money but in the end, i'm not going to let my family suffer over some petty grudge. I had made up with my dad at my wedding so i gladly accepted the money....

My mother was furious!
a) b/c i didn't tell her my dad was giving us money - she had to find out from strangers
b) b/c i accepted the money - i have no loyalty to her and was "bribed" with his love
c) b/c it was a lot of money and i did not split it with my 15 yo. brother from her second marriage - i am selfish, greedy, only see "the money"

My mother sat us (me and my sister) down and told us she wished she never bore us b/c we are selfish, greedy, rich b*tches who are flaunting money around and rubbing it in her face. Then she started in on her big "mother of the century speach" how she was always there for us, did everythign for us, etc. etc.   This is when I had enough and challenged her on how she abandoned me when i just gave birth and wouldn't care for me when i was sick with a NB.  I told her "my MIL was more of a mother to me than my own mother. She was doing YOUR job. Where were you? Sulking. Your pride was more important than taking care of your sick daughter."  My mother was furious, tired to slap me across the face, told me to shut the hell up before she makes me shut up. So i said, "no, YOU shut up for a change. I'm speaking now".  She ran away and refused to speak to me for 18 months. All of my cards, letters, phone calls etc...all unanswered.

Finally i was PG with my dd and i thought she would come around to the baby shower. Nope. I thought she would call when i told her the baby was born. Nope.  Only when i had to go for surgery and it was very serious did she bother to come and make the peace and only after i had cried to her on the phone, weeping that i might not see my baby grow up and to please forgive me mama, did her heart of stone soften and did she come to see me.  Not only that, but she told me that

a) I was not going to die
b) I brought it all on myself b/c it was punishment for not respecting her as a mother. God was answering her prayers to show me how much i needed a mother.

And can you believe it? Through it all, I STILL had this stupid fantasy of naming my DD Mary and telling my mother and she would be so honored and pleased and we would all be this big, happy, loving family.  But the surgery changed all of that & so i wept to my mom and asked her what i should name her.  And she had her human face on that day and told me "Who cares about the name....look at your daughter and name her from your heart. What does she MEAN to you?"

Mistake #3:  So i did. Even though my whole life i planned on calling her Mary, we christened her Jackie. TO this day i wonder if i had done it for the right reasons.  Being afraid of dying is not a very good reason. And when i saw how disappointed my mother was, I thought i made a horrible mistake.  I KNEW Mary would make my mother happy. I KNEW this and I deprived my mother and chose myself instead.  I cried, "mom, i'm sorry i did not name her Mary" and she left without a word b/c i humiliated her.  So i am kicking myself for not giving my mother this one thing.  I berate myself for making her so unhappy. "You haven't changed...she sneered...."you are still the same selfish, self-absorbed b*tch you always were"....  maybe i am. 

I wouldn't feel so bad if Jackie was a name i had always planned on, but it wasn't. My DD was born on my mother's birthday so according to her its a "sign from God" she should have been Mary.....After i recoverd and found out everything was fine with my health, i had big regrets of not calling her Mary.  Now i'm the reason my poor baby isn't going to have a relationship with her grandma.  I know my mother doesn't give a damn about her other grandkids, but litte MARY she would care about.   Little Mary would be praced around and shown off proudly.  Now my mother doesn't even acknowledge that Jackie exisits.  I feel sick to my stomach over this.  I shouldn't have pushed Jackie in a moment of weakness.   I don't know if its worth it to keep Jackie knowing how miserable it is making my mother.  A child should be a happy thing and i've turned it into somethign awful. 

So that's it. My mother is not speaking to me now Again and its my fault, Again.  I don't really miss HER, but i do miss my brother and my extended family, aunts, uncles, grandmother etc.  I wish i had named her Mary b/c at least there would have been peace for awhile.  At least i could have seen my grandmother before she died. Now i am not welcome b/c she believes my mothers lies. 

I don't know what i can and can't live with.  I have tired to make peace with my mother since then but there is no moving on her part. There can never be peace she tells me.  Not until i "fix it" she says.  I am wracking my brain trying to figure something out, but i cna't think of anything.


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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #41 on: July 29, 2007, 01:08:09 PM »

Your post is really honest, and it sounds like you are hurting so much. I am really sorry.

I went NC with my NMum 13 years ago, and at a swipe she stopped me having contact with my whole extended family (all except my Dad, who defied her and kept seeing me, so she divorced him after 37 years of marriage). It hurts to lose the whole family at once, I know. You could try contacting them by letter, explaining your side of things, to see if they want to see you anyway. But it might not work - she won't have told them the truth, will she? But you DO have the right to tell them 'your side' if you want to.



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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #42 on: July 29, 2007, 07:45:09 PM »
Jackie:  I played the lottery yesterday.  My fantasy is having more money than my mom.  I am a Christian and I know I am to look to God to supply all my needs.  But because my mother is loaded, it is as if she has stepped in and become God to everyone in our family and business.  We have to beg for her to throw us a crumb.  If someone came along and handed me a huge chunk of money, I would feel relieved to be out from under my mother's thumb.  Especially since I work with her.......yikes!!!

It sounds to me if you decided to, you could go on with your life without your mom and be better for it!!  It sounds to me that the only power and control she has over you is in your own mind.  Do NOT feel guilty.  That is what these N women are famous for.  NEVER GOOD ENOUGH.  I have always felt that the only way my mom would be happy is if I lived my life according to HER will.  Well, I have a mind of my own and so I have learned to say NO to her on a pretty regular basis.  It irks her every single time.  But this is what she does, she calls up at 4:30 and asks me if anyone in my family wants to go with her to look at the hot air balloons at 6 pm.....have to leave at 5:30 (one hour lead time......)  It is 100 degrees outside and I said no.....she's a little perturbed.  But you know?  THe song Cats in the Cradle is so appropriate to her....................she blew me off when I was young and now I blow her off.  What goes around comes around.  So, in my opinion Jackie?  Tell her to take a flying leap!!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2007, 06:29:53 PM »


And I also believe you have done the right thing by accepting the
early inheritance from your Dad...




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Re: My N-mom has disowned me over her granddaughter
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2007, 08:07:44 PM »
Gosh Jac:

That's a whole life of hurt and I don't have any simple answers for you.

I don't think you can please your mother, no matter how much you sacrafice to/for her.

I don't think she can help it. 

Asking her to understand or do better is like asking a diabetic's pancreas to please see the error of it's ways and make corrections. 

It's not reasonable and all you can do is make better choices for yourself, starting today.

Be really really sad that you didn't get a decent mother.... you were truly gypped.  You deserve to mourne it and grieve and feel every mean thing she did to you and accept that she'll never be sorry or treat you with kindness. 

That's just so sad and I'm sorry it happened to you ((Jac))