There he stood, much larger than me, and certainly more powerful. For his very size and his knowledge alone far out surpassed mine. How could I not bow down and serve with reverence and respect. I have become enslaved. He is my master.
How shall I proceed I wonder? The master does not give very much direction (most likely because he does not really know himself) but he offers a few clues of advice mostly through emotional manipulation. Being the faithful servant that I am, I try to go one direction, but then I get pulled another direction by my desires. Back and forth I go, not knowing where I will end up. It is so confusing.
But slowly, I start to realize the little games, and the little tricks. I see them as a weapon I could use against him. And off to battle I go, using my weapons of emotional manipulation against him, fighting with his weapons, for that was all i knew I could use. No one showed me another way.
So the conflict continued, darkness fell on the land, evil was everywhere, and the world was sad.
Now what is there to do, I ask in desperation (or more precisely, depression). What is the solution?
Do I increase my emotional forces and go back in to combat. Do I recruit my family members to battle him in the so-called family court. This rather seems counterproductive and more than that a complete waste of time, and ultimately my life.
No, instead, I grab back my life. I remove him from his perch, and proclaim that I exist. Once this is done, I do not seek his acceptance. No, from this point on, I own myself.
But the battle will surely come, and what will I do then? Nothing really, just keep myself in my sights and place his views and opinions where they belong, below me. Any opinions about myself come from myself only when I take full possession.
I do not seek opinions from others as to how to value myself. If those opinion should be forthcoming, then let them bleat, I have already made up my mind. I am who I am, and when I want to create something different in myself, only I can decide what that will be. If others have suggestions, then I can file them right along with any other information that I have. But they remain such, information only, just another one of my possessions.
My opinion of myself only comes from myself. And because I can not be anything more than what i am at this moment, then I certainly am exactly what I should be. And I can accept that very easily.
So the master is crushed, right along with all the other critics. They no longer have power over me as long as I know that I alone own that power to decide who I am and what I am worth.
The battle continues, to be sure, but what a different battle it now is. Their weapons no longer penetrate my armour, and if they looked carefully enough they would see that I have no armour at all. I need not protect this very thing because it is entirely my own. They have no power to penetrate it unless I allow them that power, which I will not.