Dear CB,
That is incredibly profound. It is exactly what I needed at the moment..I am "waking up" to the real world. That was what my "birth" of dizziness was about. I was letting go of the world that made "sense" in a childlike way and seeing the real world The 'childlike" one followed rules like if you are kind,others will be kind.Also, if I am trying to please you, you will treat me well in return. It also had rules like being strong was wrong, somehow. It did not look 'nice". Being nice" and pliable was good.It had so many rules that "don't work. It is that simple. They may sound good and "nice",but they don't work.
I think that a really big step is focusing the trust in yourself, rather than in the outside world. I am just at the beginning of CB's discovery. Thanks so much for sharing it. It is a "shift" in perception that is really, really big . Love Ami
P.S. I wanted to add that(IMO), the shiny people and the 'dull" people and the" middle of the road "people all are made up of many different and even "opposite traits. I see myself as having 3 parts. There is my Spirit, where God lives. there is my body( the physical) and there is my mind and emotions. The Bible calls the last two the "flesh". The flesh does not want to do what is "right" . You have to override it with the Spirit. Anyway, people may not agree with this model ,but it brought me to an understanding of myself as multifaceted and helped me to realize that when I have "bad" thoughts and emotions, it DOES not mean that I am bad. This is so big for me