Oh Rosencrantz! I sure appreciate your writing skills, your style! I felt the exasperation by reading you today. I often feel the same way, perhaps without as much "urgency" as you. I think i'm calmer about it but by no means less exasperated than you.
A few posts ago, Tinkergirl wrote me about my trying to figure out my parents and how it was a complete waste of time. I really think that's true! She went on to say that it was keeping me from the wonderful person that I am..now that was soothing, very generous and loving from a complete stranger. I maintain that it is a myth that perfect love and acceptance can only be arrived at through the family, my and surely your relationship with your parents clearly demonstrate that. It's not so much "giving up" as you say or "giving in", it's about moving on.
I figure God gave me a life and a purpose, i've admitted to having been "drugged" in a way by my parents, hypnotized, abused to the point of losing myself to them. I must now conclude that after years of taking it upon myself to know, to find out, to seek the truth, that my relationship with my parents and indeed with my family has not been about me at all. But about them..Neko really brings that all together in her post.
There are our N parents, wanting to be worshipped by us even after almost killing our souls. And here we are trying to get approval and love from them knowing full well that we'll never get it. It's not time to give up, it's time to grow away, to sow seeds in our own lives and in our own futures.
Acceptance perhaps would be a better word. I have to accept that my parents are not well ( polite isn't it!) I have to acknowledge that statistically it is impossible for me to always be the cause of every wrong that ever happened to them or my family. I have to make a choice. Do I want "in" or do I want "out"? I know what staying in is all about..a continued life or misery, guilt, half-truths, wondering, anxiety, hyper-responsibility, hyper-sensitivity, denying myself, giving and never receiving..existing and never BEING. It is wrong. I must become responsible and a responsible adult takes care of him or herself, not only for surviving this Earth and all it's challenges and problems but to enjoy my God given life.
No matter what anybody says, I am not treating myself well by continuing a one-way relationship with my parents. As i've said before I would have loved to have a relationship with my parents, instead I ended up with a service contract with them. That's it, store is closed, no more! And yes it hurts to waive goodbye to what could have been. I'm sure that my parents, in their illness, cannot and would not identify with anything i've written here.
When my parents decided to launch an attack on the core of my being, by solliciting legal help, fomenting lies and confabulating horrible stories about my wife and I in order to maintain control over me/us, they crossed the line..the very demarcated spot where parental love and so called concern turned into an indecent display of total disrespect of my sovereign right to live. God gave me life, not them, He is sovereign over me, not them.
There comes a time in ones life I believe when things become crystal clear.When it's over it's over, and you'll know it Rosencrantz. I think Neko knows it and it is very consoling to feel through your written word Neko the peace that surrounds your resolve.
A terminal situation is just that, terminal, bound to die, nothing left to be done but wait for that death. And then, life dictates that we must move on. It's the waiting for the death, that space between the end of a relationship that was once meaningful and the begining of the rest of my life that is filled with turmoil. I have to walk through that fire, that horrible disaster that my life has been thus far. I am not responsible for what was done to me as a child..all the literature and every post and web-site will validate us on this.. But I am responsible for what happens to me as an adult.
Rosencrantz, I want to reiterate how absolutely wonderful you are. You are so alive, frantically so at times but alive..so sincere, it shows. Wont you join me in celebrating that , you've go chutzbah madam, you've got the spark..ignite your own fire and stop fanning your mother's flame. I tell myself that often..in fact the other day i said to my wife i've got to stop this guilt thing. We've outgrown our parents' expectations of us Rosencrantz, let's not feel guilty about that.
My parents have become a bad habit, therein the toxicity...i'm in parental detox. So I need a time-out. So they are 76 and 80 respectively..too bad. I've become unavailable. When i was a child and they took away my voice, I wasn't given the choice much less a warning that they were no longer available to me. Without being vengeful, I ask myself why Nic do you think they deserve an explanation? Why do you need to gift wrap everything for them?
I'm on a roll and it's called recovery, i've got choices to make and I feel better about taking risks now.
I stumbled onto this website and the whole idea of voicelessness and NPD like you. It's had a drain-o effect on my psyche.It's opened doors that were waiting to be opened.
Don't get too discouraged. It's great to know we can reach out to this site isn't it?

--all of those..tears of joy, tears of wonder, tears of exasperation, tears of satisfaction and hope!