1.- Dancing with my son
2.- Salsa dancing
3.- Belly dancing
4.- Make people laugh
5.- Float on the water
When I was a child, my father would take us on short trips, always to the ocean.The boat would stop, and we readied ourselves to jump into water nine or ten feet deep. We put on snorkels, goggles, and what we called froggy shoes because they looked like frogs’ feet. My father would adjust the elastic on our goggles to be snug on our faces so that no water would enter and impair the visualization of the miraculous things we were about to see.
I saw schools of fishes of different colors, purple, black, orange, gold; different shapes and sizes, thin and fat, round and slender, big mouths and small mouths; an infinite diversity of animals and plants. All my senses were stimulated. I felt the bubbles tickling my skin, the friction on my limbs and torso, the drifting movement of my hair giving my scalp a soft relaxing massage. I heard the bubbles and the moving water, the rhythmic hypnotic sounds of my own respiration through my snorkel. The water supporting my body without any effort. I will never forget those sensations, a unique kind of serenity, a suspension of time, a levitation in space.