salt your waffles? i guess that makes sense...salty and sweet go hand-in-hand!
okay, things i like....(btw, i have this *thing* for lists....slightly OCD

~animals, espesh baby animals, and ESPESH baby hippos, kittens, baby elephants, and
~getting into bed after changing the bedding....clean sheets!
~dark, dark chocolate and ice-cold milk
~feeling more confident as i get older
~being able to notice red flags right away, rather than 2 years later (hahaha!)
~having a clearer, stronger sense of my boundaries
~getting over being passive-aggressive (because of being more confident, knowing boundaries, etc)
~feeling more self-sustained...not feeling like i NEED anyone to complete me or make me happy
~being pregnant, despite the yucky symptoms that go along with it
~italian food
~warm, cloudless days spent by a lake, river, or ocean
there's more, but i'll stop there now!