Hi bunny - I don't disagree with what you say (oddly enough??) tho I wouldn't pressure him to see a therapist. It would destroy him. And I don't want to do anything that might damage his ability to 'deal with the world'. He made his choices as a child in an alcoholic home and he's lived a decent life as a result. So...gently, gently here. But a good husband may not mean a healthy lifestyle for me. I may just need to have more space, a holiday, being alone, having an opportunity to meet people freely. Sometimes it's something 'symbolic' that needs to happen.
Please take this as my pragmatic mind taking over...I'm not down on you or your husband.
Q: If seeing a marriage counselor would destroy him, how would your leaving him without trying marriage counseling affect him?
Q: Do you think a marriage counselor would be rough and mean to him?
Q: Do you think a marriage counselor would take your side against him?
Go bunny, but I'm still rootin' for rosencrantz to take the holiday, mediterranean latino lover, and a good hard shag me'self!!!! Oh did I say 'rootin'. freudian slip. hahahahahahahahahaha
But I guess it ain't gonna happen so I'll change course and try for an intelligent response. But don't hold your breath, this is me after all.
Go on Rosencrantz, haul his hairy cute butt off to marriage counselling. What will come out of it, you can never assume to know.
Oooh, oooh, oooh, I feel a an' ol' cliche' comin' on, and, and , and , here it is. TA DA!
"When you 'ASSUME' you risk making an 'ASS' out of 'U' and of 'ME'. Barf, Barf
But hey, he might surprise you. You are such a parent/protector. It comes out here loud and clear to me anyway. Ya' gota' stop doin' that!!!
Let's play 'hypotheticals' for while. I loved that show. Here we go.
Let's say you are parenting/protecting your husband.
If you had to accept for a moment that is what you're doing, (parent/protecting your husband/ hell maybe even yourself) then what would you say you're protecting him for or from anyway?
Here' a big thought. If you really think he's that fragile that he couldn't handle it, then I'd say for sure he and you both definitely needs it, or something very much like it.
Do you think you can be responsible for becoming so healed that somehow your super-ultra healing will compensate for his 'none healing'. What a burden for you. You have to do it all.
Let's sing together, 8 beats to the bar,
heal & recover & change & grow,
heal & recover & change & grow,
heal & recover & change & grow,
heal & recover & change & grow.
And when you've done, heal, recover, change, grow some more.
Meanwhile, what the f##k is he doin'.
If it were me, we were talkin' about you here and not you, I'd say I'm important enough to run that risk I think. I'd rattle his comfy little predictable cage. Why not? It's real life issues here isn't it?
Back to you. You're a mated-off pair. He's got you and you're a bloody good catch. Let him earn it.
Back to if it were me. I'd bet he'd rather face some type of joint counselling/therapy stuff than lose me, even temporarily. What would I lose?
Back to you. He might surprise you.
What if you don't??? Where can that lead???? More questions???? I'm getting lost now. Too many questions. I can't see how being apart fixes anything really. You wanna clear out for a while, feel the wind in your hair. Don't blame you. You're in mourning still, and you haven't had the time to put all the peices back together, now that a big peice is gone. You've been so focussed on your mother's mental health so much.
What a burden!
But regardless, I don't believe your son doesn't need you. That's an illusion that's weaseled it's way in during the stress and confusion and it's bullshit. The boy hasn't been born who doesn't need his mother. You just maybe fel that you're not good for him at this stage. Another illusion I think, but if it does have a hint or stench of truth, change it quick, but don't clear off. He does bloody well need you now!!! Keep the communication going with him, and giving him love in words and deeds.
Let him know you'll always be there for him, no matter how f##ked up you feel on a day to day basis. And if he

at you, that's what boys do often. But the message still gets through. Really it does.
And if he seems self-sufficient, and outta touch, maybe he's doing that out of love for you, to not put pressure on you. What you wouldn't want I'm sure is for him to ever have interpreted your personal struggles as disinterest in him, or more important than him, would you? See, more questions. Sorry? Maybe they are both (H and son) seeming independant, okay, self-sufficiant, just to give you room to deal with stuff. People who love us do that sometimes. And sometimes we mis-read it. I really don't know. I'm just chuckin' balls (ideas) at you. Have any hit you yet???
Here's a totally gross scary idea. Do you worry that a counsellor might take his side against you? TA DA!!!! Could that be it??? Or the counsellor might misread you and re-interpret you back to your husband in an ignorant and unfavourable light? We all know they can do this, the stupid bastards.
One spouse usually comes up smellin' like roses, and the other spouse like rose fertiliser, or shit to put it politely. That's me, the fertiliser. I usually end up smellin' like shit in joint counselling so I avoid it like the plague too. But you gotta keep goin' till you find a good one. They are out there, or so I'm told. Yeah right, like they said you can't fall pregnant on your first shag.
Anyway, if you don't wanna go the counselling route, how about takin' up origami???

it worked for me

Look how I turned out??? hahahahahahahahahahaha