Welcom Pauoa,

I am sorry to hear about this weird depression of yours.
I know what you mean about trying to get ready to tell someone and then you just can't. I've been there.
I might be the oldest person on this Board, 68, and depression has been with me for a long, long time.
I am so much better now with medication.......Are you on medication? It really hekps, when the right one for you is found.
I think many people don't want to hear us whine about our sorry state in life, so we say nothing.
And I have found that once I knew
why I was depressed and faced it with a therapist (and meds) I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better and I told my brother and sister on the weekend, the real truth of my problem. (They are 65 and 67, so I didn't expect they would beat me up or anything!)
Hang in and talking helps
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