Gingerpeach, Welcome! (in regards to your membership!)
Thank you again for your wisdom and helpful metaphors.
The blanket with holes in it.... That's exactly it.
I keep struggling with my role, as "lover" and "therapist." I keep feeling a little resent about being the one to have to re-train him, in a way. IF I am successful as his therapist, and can pull out and replace all of the N threads, how long will that take? and how much damage will I have suffered? Will the harm to me be repairable in that I can trust him enough to be his lover?
He was angry with me again last night. To my relief he went out for the evening. I was going to bed just as he was coming back. He laid down next me, staring at the cealing. He often does this right before he is going to give he hell. So, I had this foreboding feeling. (actually I had sort of known this was coming all day)
N: "sweetie, are you going to sleep"
Me: "That was my intent."
N: *sigh* *sigh* ....... *loud sigh*
Me: "I guess we can talk, but not for long because I am really tierd."
N: "When are we going to be intimate again?"
Me: "You know I can't answer that question"
N: "you don't ever kiss me back"
Me: "I do kiss you back"
N: "it's the 'lets just be friends'/ 'get away from me kiss'"
Me: "could there be other messages in it than that?"
N: a half hour or so worth of: "It has been so incredibly long" "No couple goes 7 months without sex" "most couples have make up sex within 7 minutes" "I could not have done anything so god-awful to you to warent you curling up into fetal position every time I come near you" (the truth is, that's a conditioned response to him) "I am a man, this need is hard wired" "you are the one who chose to be celebate." "You take longer to heal than anyone I know" "Whereas you need a good marriage before you can have sex, I need sex in order to be a good husband" "I don't know how much longer I can do this" "I have these mood swings because of the lack of sex."
"I feel like I am playing by your rules" "I don't get any information from you"
Me: So, you're playing by my rules, but you don't get any information? That seems like a contradiction...
N: Don't use that reflective listening crap with me.
Me: I am just trying to be sure that I understand you.
N: I don't need that. It will drive me crazy.
Me: I can't talk anymore, I need to sleep
N: talks for another 15 minutes, more of the same
N: You have time to see your friend tomorrow, but no time to even go for a walk with me.
Me: I have to study for finals. I am only seeing her tomorrow because we are graduating and she is moving away.
Me: I said I am done with this conversation
N: "I love yous" mixed with more berating of my self/behavior
Me: I turn off the light, take a sleeping pill, set my alarm, and turn over.
N: finally leaves the room
After this conversation, I felt incredibly guilty... Like a horrible woman for withholding sex. I no longer knew if I was doing the right thing, I could no longer think for myself. Am I just being self-righteous? If I did give him sex, it would be about him and not us. There really is no garuntee that sex would make our marriage better, is there?
The next day he is sorry for hurting my feelings.
I asked him if he even knows what he said that was so hurtful?
He did not, but the next time this comes up he will be more careful not to talk to me while he is angry.
Truthfully, we have been round and round on this. He knows where I stand. I have asked for respect, and space for healing.
We are at an impass and I don't want to talk about it anymore.
Today he is very sweet to me, and I am wary of him, and at the same time I like him again. I have such a difficult time with conflict that I want to believe his fantasies of the "ideal marriage" almost as much as he does.
I beat myself up for not seeing the forrest through the trees.
Wow! I guess that turned into more venting/processing than anything. I do thank you for listening with patience. It really helps to replay it, in that I can see manipulation more clearly... I think. I know, it helps to feel heard. And I always appreciate you all's insight.
Peace, sjkravill