Author Topic: Stress and physical symptoms  (Read 2228 times)


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Stress and physical symptoms
« on: August 08, 2007, 02:59:04 PM »
Hi all

Just a short message, as we all now what can happen to us physically from Stress.

I also think we ought to take note of changes.

I was seeing my therapist at this past Xmas time and forget about this awful itchiing I have had since then. I learn my brother is coming. Fine! Then my sister becomes an addendum, DAMN!  Mood changed!

I have itched and scratched all this while until Monday. This is Wednesday aand I haven't itched/scratched once.

I guess I am allergic to my sister. No. She was my stress? (She is the one who had my daughter for over 2 months and brought her only ONCE to see me in the hospital.)Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! Does one say anything?  except to my therapist



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Re: Stress and physical symptoms
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 03:55:33 PM »

Izzy taking notice from reading on this board I have noticed that when I get into something stressfull *which sometimes* I cause my own stress (worrying about my older kids) or something they are doing or not doing (I noticed that I get this big knot in the back of my shoulder blade. 

All the other times I thought Wow wonder how I slept on it or I must of pulled something but don't know when I did it.
Till one day with a phone call and my son BAM! THERE WAS THAT KNOT.

OH man when i get in the car with my daughter WHOOOO!!!!!!!  I have learned to not be a back seat driver anymore  KNOT!!!! or NOT!


Certain Hope

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Re: Stress and physical symptoms
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2007, 04:17:26 PM »
"Negative" stress and excitement both can have that effect on me, Izzy... used to be itchy hives -  all over, as a child, then just an occasional stray popping out, usually on my face, as an adult.

And oh, Deb, do I know what you mean about those knots. Neck and shoulders can really get locked up with tension - with fear, like if there's a close call while driving. Or if there's a prolonged period of stressful activity, my entire lower back can seize. It did that recently... snuck up on me, actually... but didn't last more than a couple days. Awareness seems to be a huge factor in relieving and releasing these bundles of  :P

Also, I'm noticing that recognizing feelings and learning how to talk them out is getting easier and easier... and these kind of symptoms don't seem to erupt so often. Haven't had an ocular migraine in ages, or hives - come to think of it.

Izzy, you didn't talk with your sister about that 2 months period of time?
Maybe now that you've seen her again... there won't be a need to itch anymore?



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Re: Stress and physical symptoms
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2007, 04:39:38 PM »
I get that knot as well re stress. It is darned painful and I press on it to try to dissolve it, but no go.

I was in a very depressed state one morning in 1993. I had to call the Music Studio and I just burst out crying.  (Barry, there, is a very kind 'buddy' of mine, being I paid him $30,000.00)

After that I couldn't stop. I had 5 places to go and do things, in and out of the car with the wheelchair, then back home with a trunkfuk of whatever, and who is there, after the estrangement with my daughter, but THIS sister. I began yelling and screaming and that was the point I 'cracked' I wouldn't talk to her but did yell at her about keeping my daughter away from me in that 2 month period and now we are estranged, accused her of breaking our bond--not bringing her to me often enouhg. Oh there was hell to pay that day.

Next day I had a Dr. Appointment and told him I was Depressed then began to cry all over again, and he said "Yep! You're depressed!" and gave me handouts of Zoloft.

I popped one as soon as I got outside and I felt better and the next day at the music studio I was as high as a kite!

This is a sister who will not allow something like that stay between us, so she came back and we talked about it. No matter what, I was paying her, she was telling me my daughter was crying for me, I was asking her to bring her, and she did only once in over 2 months.

No one can change that with an apology. My daughter was 'abandoned' by me at age 5.

So that sister makes me itch! No more talk about it, but it's in my mind, AND I know it is in hers



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Re: Stress and physical symptoms
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2007, 05:26:03 PM »

I eat when my sibs are in contact and can't eat when my N is in contact. 

Weird, huh? :shock:

Certain Hope

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Re: Stress and physical symptoms
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2007, 05:28:29 PM »

Anger makes you itch...

how can you scratch the anger?



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Re: Stress and physical symptoms
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2007, 06:39:19 PM »

I would have to use words that are not appropriate here :lol: :lol: :lol:

Certain Hope

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Re: Stress and physical symptoms
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2007, 06:43:40 PM »

I would have to use words that are not appropriate here :lol: :lol: :lol:


I fell right into that one, didn't I?!   :D


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Re: Stress and physical symptoms
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2007, 07:14:18 PM »
it took me a very long time to see the connection between emotions and the body. I studied Psycholgy for many years and that put the "emotions" in their own category as separate from the body(as I saw it)
Friends could see that my emotions were causing my physical problems,but I could not make the connection(in my heart)
  The turning point for me was  the board. People told me that physical ailments went away when they healed the emotions. The really big turning point was when I started coming out of denial and my body had so many symptoms from the emotions that I had stuffed. I was completely amazed.
  I felt totally awful. I saw that it all had an emotional root. I developed a real respect for how emotions effect the body.
  My main area is my stomach.Maybe, I am "cursed"but I feel all my emotions  in my stomach. Also, I can,often, feel things that are going to happen before they do. . I am so used to this that it is "normal" to me . I feel it in my stomach.
   As I heal,it gets better. When my emotions are hurting in any way,it hurts ,also             Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Stress and physical symptoms
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2007, 08:06:20 PM »

I fell right into that one, didn't I?!   :D

Yep. You sure did. But then you were not expecting anything of the sort on here! and I am still itch-free--am keeping a lot of things crossed--then I will know!
