Hi tt,
The link you gave, along with several other sites, are the ones I've skimmed recently on the topic of sensitivity.
Still haggling with a reluctance to delve into it too deeply, as though somehow... giving credence to it may cause me to
disintegrate. Also, still struggling to maintain a balance between proper introspection and spiritual accountability. In other words,
how much is too much? Thank you for posting the link here.
It's those horrified stares and embarrassed, downward glances that I feel myself giving to myself when I allow for a moment's consideration of the fear and sensitivities within.
Knowing that this buried stuff continues to wield power over the conscious mind... well, I think that's where all the intellectualizing comes from. It's a form of resistence which is really futile and only masks underlying symptoms, but such a tough old habit to break!
I'm so glad that you're feeling some relief from it... and the relaxation to simply be. It's like a tug-a-war, isn't it? Dip toes into the emotional pond and then recoup by intellectualizing... oh, I am so ready for the cease-fire, because a battle it is! Integration is a wonderful concept and with people like you here, it does seem possible

I'm so glad you're a part of this group!
Thank you for the Scripture... that's from 1st Corinthians chapter 10.
The passage reads: "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry."
What this tells me is that I have just as much innate capacity for unhealthy narcissism as any human being.
In other words, I see NPD as another temptation common to man, into which some choose to plunge, head over heels.
Because of my own very narcissistic upbringing, I'm very aware that I need to guard my own heart against N'ism.
So when I whine (and I know that I do) in the course of recovering from the effects on me of pathological narcissism in others,
I feel that it's up to me to ensure that checks and balances are in place, lest I "flee into idolatry".
You see, I do not believe that there is any "pure" inner entity to be recovered from N-pollution, because I believe that all human beings are mortally polluted by an inherited sin nature. So for me, the solution to the ultimate decontamination is Jesus and the new life, new spirit He gives. What I'm actually working on here is more like damage control... so that I can be free to walk out the new life and salvation which HE worked into me without tripping over all the hidden leftovers from an upbringing that so desperately lacked healthy, Godly input.
My own perspective on this is: I'm still raising my children - 2 grown and gone, 2 still at home - and I have no doubt that I've passed on my own neuroses and dysfunctions to the extent that I seem to have been asleep in unawareness for much of the past 25 years.
That is not my mother's fault and it's not my exes' fault and it's surely not God's fault. What it is, in my view... is life in a sinful, fallen world.
I'm just thankful that God is so patient and merciful to allow me these opportunities and places and people, at home and here on the board, to uncover the hidden traps.
Anyhow, I know what you mean by talking with your neighbor and seeing in her face the same issues that we discuss on this board.
I see it too, now... it's everywhere... it's in all of us... and, in my opinion, becoming unpolluted at the deepest level is a matter of recognizing it within ourselves as much as in others.
That is what my mother was not willing to see - her own deep lack - and what she did not, could not, teach me.
She sees herself as superior because of her fine choices and magnificent dignity (aka Pride) which prevents her from admitting to her flaws and failures, and consequently shuts off every God-given emotion which allows for genuine intimacy. All that's left is a critical spirit and a miserable judmental heart which cannot feel connected to anyone. That's a shame... but it's not my shame, you know?
Neither is your mother's shame in your account.
That is good news, but it's not
the Gospel...
and I still need that Saviour who has removed the shame which legitimately was in my own account.
Seems like properly filing the shame and owning my own account is what I'm up to now.
Thanks for posting and sharing your thoughts with me.