Dear Poppy,
Once I discovered how absolutely crippled I was by my old habits of avoidance, I began the process of tugging at each loose thread in the fabric of my life... (like your chipping away at the lies) and quickly began to unravel. What I discovered is that each loose thread was connected to one large knot at the center... a knot of hurt and sadness.
So now what?
I'd tug at one of those loose threads of me, only to reveal more loose threads, with no pattern or design, just a tangled mass with a big old hairy knot in the middle. For me, I think the key is to not allow the knot to be the hub anymore.
For me, Jesus is the hub.
Identifying with Him and recognizing the new creation He has made me allows me to keep the knot in perspective, off-center, along with all those loose threads.
Now I see them as all the stuff the Lord is trying to untangle of my inner life... so that He can flow outward.
It's up to me whether to allow that knot to be incorporated into my being or to choose to see it as a remnant of a past which is gone now.
Focusing on the truth is the only way, I believe. The lies = the darkness which can only be banished by the Light and I've found that counting my blessings is one very important method of shining that Light.
And something else...
Recently I dug out some old "baby" pictures of myself and the darkness really became threatening. I began seeing snapshots in my minds, at odd times... photographs, like flashbacks... of myself, of my children... and the overriding theme of this little slideshow was guilt and shame. The voice of the narrator said:
"Look at how messed up you've been... everything you've done is tainted by your weaknesses and inability to be real.
You've failed... look at you - you didn't even have a self, you didn't know then what you know now, you only had what your mother taught you, so your children will fail... and it will all be your fault. There's nothing you can do to change that now... you've wasted your life living a lie."
This would happen as I was going to sleep and I'd pray for God's help, for relief... I'd feel absolutely hopeless within myself... and suddenly, before I knew it, without consciously deciding to, I was praising the Lord for His almighty power and strength, silently, lying in bed, giving thanks to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for His mercy and grace and compassion.
And I'd fall asleep.
That didn't come out of any religious training I've ever had, Poppy.
I was not taught to do this.
What happened is that God allowed me to recognize the voice of the narrator of that slideshow... and it's not my mother's voice, or my npd-ex's voice, or the voice of anyone else who's ever misused or disappointed me, including myself. It's the voice of the enemy of our souls. Praising God shuts him up.
So that's how I take out the trash.