Hey Bones,
Not an attempt at diagnosis here, but wow - she just sounds so... disconnected from reality and... ritualistic? Like this is some pre-set task she's set up for herself to perform - getting your "opinion" (even though she's already decided?) What a collossal waste of time. Annoying indeed! Good for you, keeping to your own schedule and not allowing yourself to get sidetracked there.
You know, I can feel, from what you said about your hotline work... what makes it special and enjoyable is that you are impacting the lives of others, for the better.. making a difference.
By the same token, what makes this friendship (and some of my own, too) so frustrating and... empty... is the lack of impact we're allowed to have on folks who don't listen, don't show us respect, don't really even seem to notice that we're individual, autonomous human beings!
Yuck. I am really working on qualifying the terms of friendship for myself and being more selective about actively choosing people with whom it might be enjoyable!! and fulfilling!! and mutual ... and not just such a drag all the time.
Happy day at work to you, Bones.