When I was reading about how this MIL was attempting to force her religion down the throat of this LW, it reminded me of the person I used to sublet from. She was formerly a Lutheran who converted to Catholic. I have no problem with anyone who converts...that's their personal decision and it's none of my business. But this DINGBAT started using the fact that I'm subletting HER apartment to start RAMMING HER ORDERS DOWN MY THROAT TO BECOME CATHOLIC!!! She got told, "Hell to the NO! That decision is EXTREMELY PERSONAL and comes under the category of NONE-YOUR!" She started screaming at me about how GOD PUT HER IN CHARGE and GOD TOLD HER TO ORDER ME TO BECOME CATHOLIC!!

The NO stayed NO and I eventually walked away from all organized religion because I got so sick and tired of the religious politics of: "If YOU don't believe EXACTLY THE SAME WAY I BELIEVE, then YOU will go to hell!" Stick a fork in it!!!
Interestingly enough, when this DINGBAT died three years ago, she was no longer affiliated with ANY Catholic church in the diocese she was living in!!!

She was actively involved with a group of "former Catholics"!!! Knowing the way she often tried to bulldoze people into doing what she dictated, I'm wondering if she finally wore out the patience of all the priests and they all told her to "get lost".