Well, NDoofus called me today stating that she was going to "drop off Christmas presents". Whatever.

She heard my coughing and wheezing and wanted to know what was going on. I told her I have bronchitis. Her response? "Well, I HAVE LARYNGITIS!" (which the sound, tone and quality of her voice said "NOT!") I didn't have enough voice to argue. All I could wheeze out was: "Whatever."
A short time later, she buzzes my security code and says: "Come upstairs to the door" to which I reminded her, AGAIN, I have BRONCHITIS and told her that I'm buzzing her in and come to my door! (No way was I going upstairs where it is cold, damp and drafty for HER convenience!) She was clearly NOT happy that I said NO to her demands. She hands me a paper bag, with a "Merry Christmas" and I gave her back her video. She left very quickly. Inside the paper bag? Unwrapped boxes of crackers, cream cheese, chutney, sparkling cider and cough drops. I'm not sure WHAT to make of THAT!