Dear Bones
N Doofus is so much like my M.Once my M was supposed to meet s/one at the subway station at a certain time to go in to Boston. She never showed up and the person went to the event without her.
Later ,my M showed up and had no idea why the person and was angry . My M thought the person was an angry jerk.
It is hopeless,Bone.
I am thinking of you, Bones. Ami
Thanks, Ami!
BTW, I think I saw a clone of my Nmother on TV while I was watching Judge David Young. The plaintiff just oozed all kinds of NASTY venom toward her daughter and granddaughter while she was clearly playing favorites with her son and grandson. She even attempted to justify calling a 10-year-old girl all kinds of obscene names, including a derogatory racist name because the child is part Hispanic. Needless to say, Judge David WENT OFF ON THE PLAINTIFF BIG TIME!!!! Before she admitted to this, the judge asked his bailiff to escort the 10-year-old girl and 5-year-old boy from the courtroom. While clearly snubbing the 10-year-old girl, she wanted to say something else to the 5-year-old boy and the judge bluntly told her, "No, you may NOT!" When the judge made an observation about the 10-year-old being frightened, the plaintiff sneered and stated: "Crocodile tears!" That made Judge David angry, then he blew his stack when she attempted to justify her calling a young child obscene names. I was SO GLAD when the judge dismissed the plaintiff's case! (I found it interesting that the one of the defendants, the plaintiff's own daughter, had not called her mother, "Mom", for several years because of her obvious nastiness.)