I'm really sorry, Bones.
Please fight to regain your health whether you're on disability or not.
People do lose tons of weight, begin and commit to exercise programs, and totally restore their health.
I hope you will too.
Whatever's NOT possible, is not your fault.
But nutrition is unbelievably powerful...ask Ami about Dr. Schulz.
I am shocked at the difference. So I feel a little evangelical about it.
Funny how I always read about these things, and somehow thought I had a different sort of body...hah.
It responds exactly like any other human body does to good care, and potent nutrition (food not pills).
I've given up white flour, eat a lot of veggies, more fruit than I used to, and frequent fish.
That generally it.
When I lose control, it's sugar. That's an unsafe thing for me. But when I stop it for a week, then I gradully lose the craving.
sending courage,