Which ones sound good? You know, if you are licensed as a counselor, they have call in counseling services. Have you heard of that? People call lines for counseling and pay for the "appointments". It is a phone based counseling service, IOW Ami
I'm not a licensed or certified counselor or psychologist. I've learned the hard way that trying to find an appropriate supervisor, to obtain the required hours, is mainly about "WHO you know" instead of "WHAT you know". After attempting to work in the counseling field for about the past four years, I am feeling "burned out" in that regard. I'm also reluctant about dealing with "office politics" the older I get. Some of the stuff I have seen recently makes me wonder WHERE office decorum and office couture has gone! I've seen some show up in an office wearing stuff that left NOTHING to the imagination and they talked as if they were still out on the street! (And they were supposed to be PROFESSIONALS!) I couldn't hide my facial expressions about this, as I was basically old enough to be their mother and had been taught what office decorum was supposed to be... and so, I would eventually hear the usual...."You're a POOR fit! Get out!"...by people young enough to be my son or daughter.
When I recently attended a workshop at vocational rehabilitation, the guy who was leading the workshop told me, quite bluntly, "Age discrimination happens...but you can't prove it! Because of your age, your level of education, your health issues, and your disabilities that qualify you for voc. rehab. assistance, there are NO jobs that are willing to talk to you or hire you." That's when we spoke of the possibility of self-employment doing something I have always LOVED to do....genealogical research!
So while I'm waiting to be scheduled for another workshop, I'm doing homework on my own about becoming a look-up provider for people who are unable to travel to the DC area to visit the National Archives and the Library of Congress for research. I could do that for them since I have gained experience doing my own research there.
And so it goes......