Exactly Bones - that's what I meant about unrealistic expectations.
My family will never be the one in the ads - and it never was when I was a kid either. But then - it matters so little now because I've got "phamily"... and I get out & enjoy the lights etc, by my own self! In high school, I used to treat myself to midnight mass on Christmas Eve, to wash away the taste of my family's version of celebrating. It was like having my own private Christmas and it could be any way I wanted it to be.
I seriously fight the urge to "not celebrate" now, though. I'll not be denied participating - somehow - in the festivities just because all my early Christmas's were wrecked with awful fights; serious tension & anxiety; and overall gloom. That would be letting "them" win, to me. Hubby is genetically descended from one of Santa's elves and is the biggest kid of all - even this year, losing his mom. In some ways, it gives him some relief and a sense of "normal" - and let's him carry on doing what his mom so got a kick out of.
Here's how I boil down Christmas - sans sentimentality and marketing:
it's a holiday like any other holiday - no work and a chance to get together for a meal, catching up with people and their lives... with presents. The presents don't have to be "the one thing I've (they've) always wanted".... if I knew what that was for me, I'd probably stop posting because I'd be so happy & well adjusted I wouldn't have anything relevant to say here!

I sure don't know what it will be for someone else... so I just do the best I can. IF I get inspired - great! It seems like every year I find something memorable for a different person...
I am hostess-ly challenged so I've kinda learned to cope by always keeping things casual and informal. And I'm not afraid to slip in something I picked up at a bakery or deli, either! Even tho' I used to bake a lot.